Husband has been reliving his childhood games before computers

We’ve been doing a clear out of the attic and he’s just spent a load of time reliving his childhood. I wonder how many Redditors on here recognise them?

I used to read Jackie and play with makeup!

by Brown_Net

  1. Ah what a score. City of Thieves and Talisman of Death bring back some memories.

    Some dickhead eventually stole them from the library I used to borrow them from and I never got a chance to successfully finish them.

  2. Temple of Terror. What a book that was. Amazing to think that Livingstone went on to found games workshop. That man is responsible for a very large percentage of my childhood entertainment.

  3. What a find! I loved fighting fantasy. Dead of Night was my absolute favourite, I found it in a box of my old stuff at my parents in the summer and got to relive it!

  4. I have Demons of the Deep and Scorpion Swamp. Still look out Demons of the Deep now and again. I die every time.

  5. i remember setting myself up for a Saturday morning’s entertainment with one of these and a few dice – good times!

  6. Warlock of Firetop mountain? Completed it mate. (And all the others too) That’s an epic collection, my lad’d flip out for that haul of CYOA booty. 

  7. This hits hard at my childhood, at one point I had a whole set. I never, ever managed to finish Creature of Havoc, that book was so hard I feel like there’s one innocuous choice to make early on that if you don’t take it, it’s literally impossible to complete.

  8. Oh my goodness I spent so much of my youth with these books, scorpion swamp is one that particularly sticks in my mind

  9. I bought the full fighting fantasy set some years ago, but as one would expect I don’t have the time to play through them.

  10. I still have a load of these in my loft. Never getting rid of them. Khare Cityport of Traps was one of my favourites. He doesn’t seem to have Deathtrap Dungeon which I think was the best of the lot.

  11. I remember buying Freeway Fighter from WH Smiths based solely on that sweet Mad Max looking red car on the front cover.

  12. They’ve made an app so you can buy and play a bunch of these on your phone now. I had to get House of Hell so I could finally finish it 30+ years later.

  13. I don’t remember if it was these books but the only books I’d read as a kid at school was Guinness book of records (actually fought a kid when he tried stealing the latest one from me telling me to read last years) and choose your own adventure books.

    But it was all a scam because I’d read ahead to make sure I didn’t die

  14. Wasn’t actually before computers though, there was a (Spectrum) game tie-in for “Warlock of Firetop Mountain” that was basically a reskinned (a bit) version of “Halls of the Things” by Crystal Computing (later Design Design Software).

    I actually got a couple of these signed by Livingstone and Jackson at some weird gaming event in Manchester…

  15. House of Hell was rock hard. Loved all the Hammer horror stylings.

    A peak childhood memory was me and my three equally geeky friends playing The Riddling Reaver one rainy day.

  16. Loved Cities of Thieves, Talisman of Death and Freeway fighter. I think I collected up to 20 of them when I was younger. Got some for my son when he was 8 or so and enjoyed many sessions reading them through with him, showing how to map them on a few sheets of A4. Was great fun.

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