Huel has third advert banned in two months

Huel has third advert banned in two months

by AssumptionClear2721

  1. “Referring to the product, he goes on to say: “We’ve taken a very broad range of greens, so you get a product which is equally good, or in my eyes better, but you get it substantially cheaper.”

    How to know you are dealing with a con man.

  2. From the article:

    >Its Daily Greens advert featured Mr Hearn saying: “You’ve been told your whole life to eat greens and a lot of people can’t get that amount of greens into their diet.”

    >Referring to the product, he goes on to say: “We’ve taken a very broad range of greens, so you get a product which is equally good, or in my eyes better, but you get it substantially cheaper.”

    >The ASA said customers would generally understand “eat your greens” to mean eating vegetables and that Huel was comparing the cost and nutritional value of its product to green veg.

    >However, **Huel told the ASA it had intended to compare its product to similar meal supplement products, and blamed an editing error.**

    >The regulator said the ad had been shortened, leaving “the impression the comparison was with fresh green vegetables”.

    >”Because we had not seen evidence that the Daily Greens product was cheaper than a portion of greens,” the ASA said, “we concluded that the claim the product was ‘substantially cheaper’ than an equivalent portion of greens was misleading and could not be substantiated.”

    An “editing error”, I’m surprised they didn’t try to pin it on some lowly intern or someone who’s ‘since been let go’.

  3. Is there anything this Bartlett bloke touches that isnt a complete grift?

    The guy is a blatant conman/scam artist. Its wild how he has managed to convince people he knows anything at all

  4. It’s all deliberate. This is more press than their adverts would ever get.

    Same marketing school as Ryanair.

  5. It’s a small thing but I really hate how many ads now are someone talking as if they are on a podcast, Joe Rogan style, as if they’re just knowledgable people talking about the product.

  6. I drank this stuff back in the day when I was constantly on the move job to job. It tastes absolutely fucking horrific. Never again.

  7. It is not hard to get green vegetables into your diet every day, people just choose not to do so. Base your meals around vegetables and other plants first, rather than your protein, then you will find that not eating them is the hard part.

  8. Huel is OK. It takes two bad meal decisions out of my day when I’m getting fat. Saves time and washing up. I wouldn’t live on it. If you like it you like it, if you don’t you don’t. It’s healthier than the McDonald’s drive through option, the petrol station pork pie, or a Greggs.

  9. I prefer the “This is Food” shakes to Huel. Huel always has that weird aftertaste you can’t quite get rid of, but “This is Food” is actually quite nice.

  10. I know this isn’t really what this post is about, but does anyone else find Stephen Bartlett really annoying?

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