Trump says he’d put 100% tariff on every car imported from Mexico if he’s elected

Trump says he’d put 100% tariff on every car imported from Mexico if he’s elected

by FUSeekMe69

  1. Is he just stupid? We have a free trade agreement with Mexico, that was redone with him as president

  2. Chump is only concerned about his personal satisfaction. He is only satisfied when abusing someone or destroying something. He knows nothing about business success, only bankruptcy.

  3. Yeah, lets just double car prices. It is amazing how Trump doesn’t understand tariffs. Tariffs always get passed down to the consumer.

  4. And that will create incentive for American companies to keep jobs in the US, consumers to buy US made cars, and stimulate the US economy! Corpo greed redirected to helping the actual country he’s running for president of…. WILD HUH?!

  5. It still wouldn’t equate the amount of money spent on border crossers. 150 billion, but it would help in supporting them.

  6. I just want a cheap BYD electric vehicle from China. Not to prop up the profits and industries of Ford, GM, Chevy, etc. It’s aburd. He can’t “beat” China with this type of strategy. Only hold them off.

    15,000K vs. 35,000K vs. 60,000K.

  7. Isn’t this about keeping jobs in America that are about going to be outsourced to Mexico? Don’t cry later on Reddit about how you got laid off, and life sucks 😂

  8. For a guy who is all about stopping immigration he sure knows how to make it much worse. They come for jobs and opportunity. Let our companies build down there and create opportunities. It shortens the supply chain for US consumers and companies — not to mention it creates uplift and jobs so people can have opportunities where they are born. Fucking common sense!

  9. His base has no idea how tariffs work , so he gets a pass on this. I bet they think Mexico pays the tariff and we don’t pay any higher percentage on the imports. I hate the magats.

  10. I’m sorry but Make America Wealthy Again? America is still the wealthiest nation on the planet by like A LOT. In terms of GDP the only ones that even come close are China and the EU if you were to consider them a whole ass country (which not even they do really). The only thing with China is when you split that wealth up between 1 billion people it gets spread pretty thin. The issue in this country is wealth disparity. Not that we don’t have enough of it, and Trump’s Reaganomics top-down policy that he’s trying to revive will only make it worse. 

  11. Someone should make a School House Rock video on tariffs, but he probably wouldn’t understand that either.

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