Dear CasualUK. I have finally found a way to make these even better! Pop them in the fridge for a couple of hours. I’ve managed half a bag, and I am done. My mouth is ruined.

Dear CasualUK. I have finally found a way to make these even better! Pop them in the fridge for a couple of hours. I’ve managed half a bag, and I am done. My mouth is ruined.

by djalkidan

  1. Fridge crisps?


    It’s lucky for you the prisons are full, otherwise I’d be on here saying you deserve jail time

  2. I had an entire bag of these once on a Friday night with a wine, I’m pretty sure I had actual scar tissue I’m my mouth for a good week

    But worth it

  3. My workplace has a vending machine with drinks and crisps in, the whole thing is chilled so the crisps come out very cold. I can confirm that cold salt and vinegar crisps are amazing and anyone who disagrees must not have tried it.

  4. They sound incredible I need to try them.

    Also why the fuck would you put crisps in the fridge, you sound like a monster.

  5. OP is the type of person who freezes their eggs because to them, it’s the same as hard boiling them

  6. These are without a doubt the best supermarket brand crisps available, but the packaging is DANGEROUSLY similar, including the text, to the normal salted ones, the amount of times I’ve arrived home and that wave of crushing disappointment has washed over me

  7. I’m all for some food experimenting, but fridge crisps just doesn’t really interest me.

    Freezer crisps, on the other hand…

  8. Egads! My mouth is ruined.

    …What if I post it on Reddit and disguise it as a snack suggestion. Oh ho ho, delightfully devilish OP!

  9. I am so jealous of all the different flavours of crisps you have. It seems you have more refined combination than in the states. My palate yearns for the UK 

  10. I was just getting all fired up to write something scathing and then I thought…. Fridge? Hmmm….. i’ve caved. I can see how having those crisps cool could work. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I need an early night.

  11. >Pop them in the fridge for a couple of hours. I’ve managed half a bag, and I am done.

    Excuse me wtf did I just read?

  12. Co op and piper do the best salt and vinegar crisps. I prefer co op especially with Doritos spicy salsa.

  13. I always put crisps in the fridge. Swear it makes them taste better regardless of flavour. But the vinegary ones especially taste better!

  14. I don’t know why I do it to myself, but I will always pick up one of these if I’m in a Co-Op at lunchtime. Smash the entire bag and ruin my mouth for the next three days.

    I’m not into S&M but I sort of see why other people might be

  15. I always put crisps like this in the fridge. It’s a real life food hack that should be more widely done. Only crisp crisps though, not like Quavers or anything.

  16. I used to live in the Tropics and basically you couldn’t leave any packet foods open because of bugs… so I also discovered fridge crisps.

    So good

  17. When I worked nightshifts at Wimbledon we’d have a whole fridge of packed lunches ready for us come break. Everything was ice cold, including the crisps, which were Brown Bag brand, similar to Kettle Chips, and that salt & vinegar… Fucking brutalful!

  18. I need to get some of these.

    I had some salt & vinegar discos recently and the disappointment was immeasurable. Those fuckers used to take the roof of your mouth of but now they’re a bland shell of their former selves.

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