Himars strikes on a column of Russian trucks with personnel in the Donetsk region

Himars strikes on a column of Russian trucks with personnel in the Donetsk region

by SpookyKiddo2

  1. Wish this sort of video made it on to Trumps feed. Showing our military dollars at work. And UKRs effective use of the supplied munitions.

  2. I think that’s the first time I’ve seen a HIMARs dud. Anyone else notice the first one come in (0:11)? Something else hits the water but they’re not big enough to get picked up by the sensor like the first one is.

    Wonder where this is. Area looks familiar

  3. The russians are so careless and mindless with their equipment…it’s just ridiculous. Why in the hell would you bunch that many supply trucks so close together for a long enough time period to be spotted by a UAV, have the coordinates relayed to the artillery crew, and then catch some HIMARS rounds? Their stupidity is incredible…

  4. Woohoo! New HIMARS content dropped. Would have loved to see one last one on those final cockroaches.

  5. Does anyone have an idea of what the time frame is between getting coordinates on a target and Himars arriving? How long would those trucks have needed to be sitting there?

  6. When and where? I would love to see what happened to the rest of the large vehicle assault. Slava Ukraini

  7. Pretty cool to see the empty canisters coming down fast, and then a couple of seconds later, the submunitions start raining down.

  8. We need to supply Ukraine with more everything.. A target that big and juicy could do with a couple more clusters for good measure.

  9. How long between fire the HIMARS and the shell landing say it would be 50 or 100km away. Curious because what if they think send another rocket, how much time is there to run?

  10. I think these are cluster munitions or rockets. Himars is a missile that goes boom not a bunch of individual bomblets.

    Or am I wrong?

  11. That first circular cluster munition was not HIMARS. That’s a DPICM round. There was another one (or two) after that rocket hit around the 3rd vehicle in the frontal part of the column. Not sure what the rocket is. GLSDB possibly?

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