Twitter’s UK userbase has been absolutely decimated since Musk took over

Twitter’s UK userbase has been absolutely decimated since Musk took over

Twitter’s UK userbase has been absolutely decimated since Musk took over

by pppppppppppppppppd

  1. Not really surprising. Article does state its predominantly progressive leaning folk leaving in droves, but I can’t be the only one noticing how horrible it performs when I try to open a link to anywhere on it.

    Half the time it straight up fails to find linked posts when I try now. It doesn’t really seem to be in a healthy place

  2. Doesn’t surprise me. It’s become such a hell hole since he took over. The open bullying, the racism, the homophobia, transphobia and sexism, all allowed because “free speech”. It’s awful.

  3. Twitter is a funny one, much like Reddit I hardly ever encounter anyone in real life that actually used it in the first place

  4. Its absolutely crazy to me that one person basically single handedly destroyed one of the largest social media platforms.

  5. Love the subtle jabs from every news outlet that still defiantly refers to it as Twitter. X is trash

  6. I’m not surprised. It’s full of shit these days and most people I know have left. Threads hasn’t really replaced it either. Nowhere near as popular.

    Despite its flaws, it’s still my go to whenever I need customer service. Much quicker response than emails and better than sitting on hold for ages on the phone.

  7. A bit weird this sub moaning about Twitter amongst its millionth daily mail article of the day attacking refugees

  8. I don’t know why anyone would use that platform. It was dying before he took over, and he’s just made it worse.

  9. I stopped using it when my main account was getting suggested posts of randomly violent videos with people beating each other up etc.
    I just thought do I really need this added negativity to my life?

  10. Twitter has become completely unusable, you click on a post and all the top comments are completely unrelated posts, normally by bots.

    It’s now worse than Youtube comments are for getting opinions

  11. Elon Musk complains about decreasing birth rates etc, but he doesn’t seem to be creating a dating app or trying to solve the problem.

    Look at Japan, where the government have had to step in.

  12. The only people I know who use Twitter (myself included) use it for keeping up with the local football as you don’t get the terrible opinions that you get on Facebook. Other than that it’s a complete cesspit, my for you page is football news with American right wing accounts and porn sprinkled in. You’re a few likes away from the algorithm putting nazi propaganda on your timeline.

  13. I tend to agree by miles, the freedom of reach per say, is seemingly true, they even show you nobody are reading the comments lol (the few this normie makes) — i dont know if it boosts accounts when they post vs comment, or if it penalises by follows etc, its gone off the deep end with hard right politics its rumble lite, and it hasnt done anything for videos outside of a spinoff app and a couple long videos and some spaces… who knows.. a very wierd platform now, i used to be able to talk and get feedback, now nothing.. but reddit are taking the same if not worse turns.

    Point is get off social medias lol my mistake. Point is the digital shadow stuff is stupid.

  14. It’s full of right wing Americans now and the app icon looks like a service you trade women on for niche crypto currencies.

  15. I’m on the left & I support free speech. For eg I don’t believe Trump should have ever been banned. I think some on the left do use cancel culture as a weapon.

    My issue with Musk is he’s turned his website into a conspiracy-laden shit hole full of Nazis. And cancel culture is a tool for the right just as much as the left

  16. He got forced to spend $44bn on his grand, genius plan to make a mainstream social media platform that has the politics and spirit of a 2014 4chan spinoff. Even the 4chan people realized that you just end up with a bunch of users who are Nazis and paedos and weirdos that you will never, ever sell too advertisers.

  17. I have deleted my account now, was on twitter for quite a few years, now on bluesky and mastodon instead, more bluesky recently.

  18. Deleted my account after being served constant videos of people being killed or seriously injured. Reported some awful comments and met with a standard response. EM appeared a bit of a knob. Won’t be going back.

  19. Deleted my account last month. Was sick of seeing OnlyFan funnels (similar to Reddit these days), people getting murdered and other rage-bait. And no, it has nothing to do with the content I was perusing. Also a reminder never to open the app on public transport because you may need eye bleach quickly.

  20. Twitter has always been and will remain a cesspool of extremist idiots from all walks of life. That and just plain stupid people.

  21. Is Threads a credible alternative? Is anyone actually using it?

    I started a profile, but then it just felt like maybe this micro posting bullshit thing was dated now, so I haven’t bothered with it.

    Is it any good yet?

  22. I tried deactivating my account a few weeks back, it’s just a cesspit of right wing nonsense, ultimately had to reactivate.

    With Facebook when I find my feeds going too far one way I can usually track it back to either a friend sharing rubbish I don’t want or I can admit i’ve just spent too much time in that pond & a mute, or removing a Like I didn’t intend to tends to bring things back in line.

    Twitter, no such luck, it just WANTS to feed me right wing/conspiracy content.

    But, I found hitting hyperlinks from friends etc or just checking the status of servers etc simply required an X login just forced me to reactivate my account, I bet there’s millions in the same boat.

  23. my interest in twitter peaked when international ed balls day was a thing. and that was a long long time ago

  24. Why because people on Twitter started actually going back outside? I haven’t been on Twitter since 2022 but it was genuine cancer so it can’t be any worse.

  25. logged on the other week, in my ‘for you’ tab was a serb guy I didn’t follow saying something nevertheless normal and inoffensive. right at the top of his replies, ‘the ustaše didn’t kill enough of you guys’. reported, no action. this is the standard twitter experience now

  26. It’s a sewer.

    Unfortunately it’s also the portal to various government agencies.

    They need to either move to bluesky or set up somekind of domestic alternative

  27. It’s full of shite now. It pushes far right and diet influencer shite to your feed, and all the replies to literally everything are are bots advertising paid tits.

  28. To be fair, I see him as a necessary evil. Comments here all taking about ‘hard right’ when social media platforms are predominantly hard left, it adds balance to the universe

  29. That’s because we are mostly a nation of didn’t enjoy the restaurant food, don’t complain just never return people. 😉

  30. For years every article in U.K. online news media seemed to mandate a minimum 50% tweet-to-write up ratio. It gave the impression that if you wanted to know anything or be a part of anything, Twitter was where you need to be. Even politicians used it for official announcements!

    People are just seeing the platform for the underwhelming depression engine that it really is, finally

  31. I stopped opening social media apps when it was impossible to find what I wanted to see, everything is what they want me to see and it drives me nuts.

    It looks like people I follow or friends on fb never post, they do it’s just the platform’s algorithm is. It interested in showing me that, just wants me to see some shitty political post from some god awful group.

  32. Used to open it almost daily. Some link would take me there.

    Now it’s once in a blue moon.

    Dont even bother doing socials for the business on it, that’s all Instagram and (to my shame) tictok, I will probably go onto YT shorts as well.

    But ‘x’ is useless and my entire feed is just sad angry men I want nothing to do with.

  33. My account got stolen and Twitter wouldn’t help me get it back. Not that it really used it anyways

  34. I think the biggest change since Musk has taken over is that you can’t browse the site without logging in. I’ve had an account for many years but never log in as I lurk, but now I use it far less because you can’t scroll and look at account contents without the feed being highly curated for the first few posts you can see and then made unusable without needing logged in.

  35. I’m not surprised. Look at the comments of every tweet, and it’s either ads, unrelated memes or OF models. I’ve also noticed a gradual rise in far right/anti woke posts in my feed over the last year.

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