mini baguette

mini baguette

by jack_hudson2001

1 comment
  1. makes 6
    – 500g Bread flour 12% Protein
    – 5g salt
    – 8g sugar
    – 6g Yeast
    – 10g Vinegar 5%
    – 25g cooking oil
    – 305g tap water

    Add all the dry mixture into a bowl
    Slowly add the wet mixture
    Turn on the machine
    slow speed 2 for 2 mins
    med speed 4 for 10 mins
    let it rest for 1 min to relax it
    then fast speed 6-8 mins
    till dough is shiny, easy to handle and not sticky (you should hear it thumping against the bowl)

    wet hands with some veg oil make a dough into a nice ball
    in a clean bowl let the dough prove for 60 mins
    it should weigh 850g and should make 6 loafs
    roll into 6 shiny balls
    let them prove for another 10 mins

    place shiny side on the bottom then roll into flat oval should be about size of your hand, shape then roll into baguette shape
    add to tray
    let it prove again for 20 mins
    slash the dough top to bottom
    spray water onto the dough
    in the oven add boiling water

    240C 8 mins first do not open door
    Then switch the tray
    Reduce heat to 200C for another 6 mins
    Reduce heat to 180C for another 4 mins

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