Ukrainian Military Intercepts Russian Zala Drone Camouflaged as Ukrainian

Ukrainian Military Intercepts Russian Zala Drone Camouflaged as Ukrainian

by Mil_in_ua

  1. That’s really good news. This is a clear indication that FPV interceptions of recon drones happens so often, that the Russians are looking for countermeasures. It’s not just a few lucky hits!

    And they aren’t afraid of friendly fire, e.g. there are no Russian FPVs hunting.

  2. Orcs must have expected the UA to just drunkenly ignore it simply because it had a Ukrainian flag on it, just like they would. Sorry, RuZZia. The smarter end of your local area’s genepool has always been in Ukraine.

  3. Add dangling lines of kevlar braided fishing line to the intercepting drones. Get that stuff caught in the props and I promise the targeted drone is going down.

  4. Sometimes it’s obvious that it’s just three Russian drones with a fake moustache in a trenchcoat.

  5. Andrew Perpetua talked about this about six months ago. It’s really cool to see it in action. Apparently Russia relies on these almost entirely for recon. So it should be making a real battlefield difference. That they’re desperate enough to put Ukrainian and German markings on it shows it’s working.

    A Zala drone costs 35k US. If we assume this FPV costs more double a usual FPV at 1,000 we’re still looking at a 35:1 loss ratio here. And Supercam and Orlan cost a lot more, 1 Million USD and 100 thousand respectively.

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