tHaT’s SoCiaLiSm!!!

Posted by TheMemeingOfLife8008

  1. Republican voters do not care about children or adults or even life. They are selfish greedy self centered hypocrites that only care about some imaginary superiority complex they get from forcing their bigotry, racism, misogyny and sharia laws on others.

    Treat them accordingly.

  2. The thing is, surveys show they actually want social programs, but to get them, they’d have to vote for a Democrat.

  3. They only want it when it benefits them exclusively.. if it involves a lib or a minority they cannot see those groups as equals so they will cut off their noses to spite their face.. just like when they are against taxing the rich..

  4. See, it’s all about framing.

    Call it “ban child hunger” and you might get them to vote for school lunches after all.

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