Putin’s Massive Change To Nuclear Attack Policy: Threat Against USA Letting Ukraine Do Deep Strikes?

Putin’s Massive Change To Nuclear Attack Policy: Threat Against USA Letting Ukraine Do Deep Strikes?

Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed changes to Russia’s nuclear deterrence doctrine. He said that “clarifications” have been proposed regarding his country’s doctrine of using nuclear weapons, a threat that has been raised several times since the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine. Watch for more.


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  1. its not just blasting uk or america or russia with THOUSANDS of nukes…EACH…but EVERYONE else will experience ENDLESS years and decades of radioactive POISON and financial and food deprivations VASTLY worst than anything covid or spanish flue or anything else that has devastated the world…THATS why he has given numerous WARNINGS…BEFORE finally acting…you morons that are in denial

  2. America and Britain filled their pants last week when they got the first warning. This now guarantees Ukraine will be flattened to nothing but dust. And transgender cross dresser Zelensky is finished.

  3. ✅ Zelenskiy poderia ter evitado tudo isso diplomaticamente ainda na Criméia. Mas não sabe operar politicamente. Foi correndo para Biden e então a Otan entrou e está nessa há muito tempo, por isso o conflito evoluiu para guerra.
    Quanto dinheiro e material bélico já foi enviado para a Ucrânia contra a Rússia! Que desperdício!!
    E agora, a última tacada genial de Zelenskiy foi negociar a paz com Putin sem o Putin e depois que finalmente chamou Putin para negociar dizendo que o "mundo" é que queria a presença dele, e ele aceitou, ao invés de então conversar com Putin, Zelenskiy DEU INÍCIO AOS ATAQUES À RÚSSIA!!

    Como ele é genial !!!

    Como esse Zelenskiy aumentou essa situação chamando Biden!… Que lástima.

    Quando esse Zelenskiy vai sair? Era um ator. Não entende nada de Política. Dar uma boiada pra não compartilhar um boi é o seu lema, ao que parece.

    Acho interessante o foco estar somente sobre Putin se ele está sendo atacado por mais de um ano pelos eua e otan e nesse período ele foi o único que enviou propostas de paz.

    Ao invés de contrapropôr, Zelenskiy fica ridicularizando-o.

    Ser Chefe de Estado é coisa séria. Não é para principiantes. Não se pode levar o ego para a Política, a prioridade é o bem da Nação.

    Quantos ucranianos já foram prejudicados? Quantos fugiram? Quantos estão no Brasil? Em quem Zelenskiy pensa: nele mesmo ou nas pessoas que ele deve proteger?

    Quanto mais pressionar Putin, pior será.

    É tão imaturo, ridículo, irresponsável e incompetente medir força com vidas em jogo.

    As pessoas estão sendo vistas como meros cavalos de batalha no tabuleiro.

    Por que ele não conversa com boa vontade e seriedade sobre isso com Putin?

    Por tudo que Putin diz ou faz, Zelenskiy corre para os braços do tio Sam.

    Que erro esse cara na Presidéncia da Ucrânia.

    Colocar os OUTROS em campo o tempo todo, nevando ou não, e ficar viajando e ganhando premiozinho dos eua, é mole.

    Ele tinha é que estar lá com os caras em campo no frio e no calor, com fome e sede em constante estresse.

    Então já teria negociado e acabado com esse horror.

  4. We are roasted chicken 🍗 😮he looks tired and depressed he doesn’t care anymore look at facial expressions and body language this is serious while they are looking at news from diddy wake up

  5. I recognized the right of Russia to defend itself against all who come against her what I asked for continued restraint and I thank Russia for the constraints she has shown so far keeping herself shackled in an attempt to try to make it a fair fight. It is like playing chess and having some random third party start moving your pieces. Both people know it is cheating the game even though the one in advantages usually likes the idea of doing. I remind the people of Russia of Genesis chapter 10 verse 3 I remind the people of Russia of the DNA of the Ashkenazi and of the DNA of the Hebrew. I remind the people of Russia of the boredom of who begats the begats begats of the who… I remind you of the laws of blasphemy against Moses a law that is congruent everywhere where any form of Hebrew wisdom is recognized as legitimate.. I think Russia for their effort so far in apprehending the Ukrainian Mafia called the Ashkenazi self claimed Jew for the crime of inheritance fraud and blasphemy against Moses because of the very words of Genesis chapter 10 verse 3. It reminds Russia that the state of Israel has until Yom Kippur the 13th of October to surrender unconditionally surrender or as of the 14th it is a legitimate Target in a primary target to receive a nuclear blast in conjunction with the way it is written in Revelation. I recommend every Nation get out of the way as quickly as possible because there will be only Palestinians by the 14th or there will not be a Jerusalem by the 13th jubilee of jubilees. Since the Rebellion of the ashkenazi against the Hebrew and the ishmaelite

  6. THIS is Russia's right to defend itself. Putin is wise to prepare for assault into Russia as NATO prepares to strike inside Russia by proxy…a highly likely event driven by desperation. WE the onlookers must also prepare for nuclear fallout. Thanks NATO – thou be damned

  7. 'Russia could use nuclear weapons if it was attacked by any state and that any conventional attack on Russia that was supported by a nuclear power would be considered to be a joint attack.' Putin is attacking Ukraine with the support of 3 other nuclear states NK/China/Iran. Putin is a retarded moron.

  8. Well….besides all the famous weapons you see on TV or your computer. If it’s that time you may or may not see what’s behind the door of US…

  9. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, and the elements will be dissolved with fire, and the earth and the works that are upon it will be burned up.
    ~ 2 Peter 3:10

  10. Putin knows that any use of nuclear weapons would result in the complete and utter annihilation of Russia and its forces. I mean, he's crazy but I hope he's not that crazy.

  11. LAW on Russian Constitutional policy has CHANGED. Biden might have been keen in sending Shadow misiles, NOW he knows that a nuclear STRIKE in the US is for certain, IF they go ahead. Still, Biden is so old and clearly unconscious, anyone can authorize pure madness in the US, and Kamal is even worse

  12. Almost everyone will survive the Massive initial nuclear attacks. It is what comes next for the rest of us that will be hell , you might even think one day it would of been better counting yourself in the early casulties than living in these forthcoming conditions.

  13. Definitely US west EU confirmed SUPPORTING UKRAINE and continuing in UN meetings.

    Definitely RUSSIA has to very vigilance and should take back UKRAINE

  14. I wish my country has nuclear weapons too but unfortunately we only have palm oil plantation. No one is scared of palm oil except some EU who charged it as unhealthy

  15. The question is, who will press the red buttons first..! russia, with one rusted button ( proven sh.t ) or the west with 32 alert red ones.? This pathetic little bluffing fart apparently has no idea what real power is..and btw, that bunch of yes nodding nobodies, around that table, don't impress either..

  16. Follow this simple rules.. Don't do unto others what you don't want others do unto you.. You started the war in the first place but you don't want to do the war in your country?? Missile, drones and aircraft should be use to counter your aggression and hit your military bases.. Your logic is only base on your own goods, you don't want a fair fight/war. And FYI He just bluffing everybody knows that already..

  17. why only russia always threaten with nuclear. Since this threat already decades long. The whole world already station all their nuclear pointing to russia waiting for russia first move. Putin should think of their innocents citizens which deserves to live.

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