
Posted by Proteus61

  1. Just fyi, the money he’s being charged is because he lied about something that caused pain and suffering to others. Being wrong isn’t a crime, being misinformed ins’t a crime, using free speech isn’t a crime…but purposely telling a lie to sell more shit on your website is. I hope Alex Jones loses everything he owns, and that the Sandy Hook families sleep better knowing that they help shut this fat mother fucker up.


  2. The anticipation of waking up early to open my presents on “AJ liquidation day” makes me giddy.

  3. I hope he lives in a box under a bridge. He’s the worst kind of scum. I can only hope that he feels some tiny bit of the pain and distress he inflicted on those poor parents. He really belongs in jail.

  4. Sadly, he is only worth about $270 million… 18% of the judgement against him.

    But! It’s a start.

  5. Shouldn’t this read, “Insanely immoral internet profiteer who profited from his lies about the death of many innocent children is brought to justice twelve years too late?”

  6. When that’s done, sell his spare organs and then use what’s left to service homeless men for a quarter a pop until his debt is paid. Fuck Alex Jones.

  7. Please tell me this is actually happening this time and without another oh yeah I can just say no and litigate this till the heat death of the universe.

  8. Is he still hiding money in trusts that he assigned ownership of to his parents, or will he actually be penniless?

  9. Sometimes – even in Texas – fascists have a bad day…….

    Thank you to the juries in his trials for their service to our nation and families of the Sandy Hook victims.

    And, here’s to fascism having many , many bad days ahead.

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