The President of Cyprus says he is ready to resume reunification talks ‘today’

The President of Cyprus says he is ready to resume reunification talks ‘today’

The President of Cyprus says he is ready to resume reunification talks ‘today’

by turkish__cowboy

  1. Turkey is drifting East, joining BRICS. There won’t be a reunification. Turks understand that they are middle eastern people now.

  2. Unfortunately, not sure that what the Cypriot president says matters at this stage.

    To give context to people,
    – The political class in Cyprus benefits from the partition of the island, whether that is the emergency powers that the president has or just a problem they can hide behind
    – The latest endeavour of the UN envoy has demonstrated that there is no will from the current “government” representing the Turkish Cypriots to have an open conversation (unless we are talking about partition which again won’t happen)
    – People that want a form of reunification are being appeased either by being given European passports (TC) or by abusing the fragmented economy of the north (GC)
    – Furthermore, we are seeing more and more the erosion of TC culture in the occupied territory through Turkish immigration but also the influence that Erdogan has in their “government”, school systems and even economy.

    I know it sounds bad, and it is, it requires the guts to do a proper intervention from the international community. But of course the main two stakeholders in the region (US and UK) have their own interests in maintaining the status quo.

    People can find a solution, institutions can only maintain the status quo.

  3. Are they going to follow the UN plan that the Turks accepted and Greeks rejected?

    Because I really don’t think there is a more realistic plan than that one.

  4. Will Cyprus accept 100,000’s of mainlander Turks as citizens in their country? Will the 100,000’s of mainlander Turks accept disenfranchisement or even going back to Turkey?

    If the answer is no to either of these questions, then what’s even the point of raising the Cypriot question again? Negotiate what exactly?

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