The 72nd Brigade has denied reports of their withdrawal from Vuhledar, which were recently mentioned in a Forbes article. A soldier, speaking from the city amid ongoing explosions, confirmed that despite heavy assaults, they remain in their positions

The 72nd Brigade has denied reports of their withdrawal from Vuhledar, which were recently mentioned in a Forbes article. A soldier, speaking from the city amid ongoing explosions, confirmed that despite heavy assaults, they remain in their positions

by SmokingBlackSeaFleet

  1. Bro dgaf, Nothing more badass than proving the news wrong with your back to an open window in an active war zone. Hope this guy and his squad make it out alive 🫡

  2. I wish Ukrainians were better equipped and had sufficient ammo.

    Imagine that 100 Ukrainian soldiers in Vuhledar instead of being regular infrantry with standard rifles would become operators of additional:

    * 5 modern tanks with dozens of shells
    * 5 heavy self-propelled artillery with hundreds of shells
    * 5 short-range multiple rocket launcher vehicles with hundreds of rockets
    * 3 AA self-propelled guns / small air defense systems like the Avenger
    * 4 crews of mobile heavy mortars with enough projectiles to shoot at will, when enemy
    * 4 attack helicopters stationed nearby and serving with a cooperation to Vuhledar troops
    * 2 fighter jets with a mission of patrolling sector of the sky around Vuhledar
    * 5 heavy UAV operators

    Imagine another 100 infantry unit made so, that

    * 25 of them would remain with regular rifles, but with additional 300 bullets under continous disposal to each of them in the boxes nearby, so they wouldn’t have to refrain themselves too much and could shoot at the first sight of the movement of the enemy towards Vuhledar. Also they all would have nightvisions, the best protective gear and would be after accelerated but not hasty NATO training.
    * 15 made into 5 crews of 3: 1 sniper with the best in the world sniper rifles, 1 scout helping spotting, 1 soldier with the combat rifle focusing on being on high alert in the case of hypothetical close combat
    * 8 made for manpads operators
    * 12 made into 4 crews of light mortar operators
    * 20 heavy machine gun operators with hundreds of bullets under disposal,
    * 20 soldiers that partook the excessive commando training and could become basically ninjas – like Russians would expecting them to counter-attack from the main entrance, but they would advance from the rooftop, etc.

    I would prefere to be part of such hundred, than some other random unit of 250. And reinforcing with equipment and training such 100 infantry with another 100 that would go into heavy weaponry that I listed above, would mean that even additional wave of 1000 Ruskies would not shake much defenders of Vuhledar.

  3. Forbes is just as credible as Russian propaganda when its comes to military conflicts. Trash Outlet in general

  4. Even if it’s just propaganda it doesn’t matter. Maybe they’re delaying the news to cover their retreat properly, maybe it’s true and they’re holding positions. I don’t care as long as they aren’t needlessly sacrificing lives, they can always recapture territory but you can’t reclaim life. Whatever the case fucking give em hell, make them pay dearly for every inch they occupy.

  5. Forbes is just a glorified blog website. Anyone can write an article there. Quality journalism hasnt been present at that place in years.

  6. Given the orcs advances around it, I hope they’ve got some seriously good troops on his flanks cause the situation isn’t exactly ideal there at the moment for them. Hope they hold them long enough prepare better lines of defence or to push them back again. Brave buggers all of them there

  7. The moment the numbers of losses aren’t in Ukraine’s favor I hope they can all get out. Land can be retaken, and it’s easier in a collapse

  8. Translation:

    “We are the fighters of the 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade. hereby want to deny the rumors about our withdrawal from the city… Despite difficult circumstances and all the assaults, we are in position… Today is September 26, 2024… Glory to Ukraine!”

  9. I’m sitting here on my living room couch wondering how badass a mf’er gotta be to calmly make a video while you can here bomb and missle explosions and machine gun fire all around you. Not all hero’s wear capes, some wear camoflage.

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