“Russia’s shadow war on Nato”: Some EU countries are afraid to recognize the scale of Russian subversive operations, said Michael Weiss at a Helsinki Commission hearing in US congress. #Russia’s acts of sabotage require retaliatory action by #NATO, said Benjamin Schmitt.

“Russia’s shadow war on Nato”: Some EU countries are afraid to recognize the scale of Russian subversive operations, said Michael Weiss at a Helsinki Commission hearing in US congress. #Russia’s acts of sabotage require retaliatory action by #NATO, said Benjamin Schmitt.


by Rich-Annual5511

  1. If you refuse to admit someone is attacking you, you can’t defend yourself. Denial is not a defense.

  2. Ofc they require retaliation. 

    The “problem” with acts of sabotage, cyber attacks and and fake news campaigns is that they’re generally easy to hide from the general public. And even if they weren’t being hidden the average Joe still wouldn’t have any idea what he was looking at. And hiding instead of calling it out is what many “children of the cold war” still prefer to do because they’re so afraid of escalating.

    Try calling them out instead of trying to sweep everything under the rug and see how quickly public opinion would change. Because as much as I despise the people that dont want to “anger Russia”. You also have to admit that if they don’t know how hard they are at work constantly destabilising our economies and democracies. or even outright attacking us then it makes sense for them to not see Russia as the big enemy they are.

  3. Funmy part about this is that Russia has made similiar claims about intel sharing, training and supply of war material.

    Something something Newton’s third law something.

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