“Why so much pain? Why so many lies? Why are people so cruel to each other?” – the first words of 22-year-old marine Yurii Hulchuk, who lost his speech and the ability to experience emotions due to torture in Russian captivity.

“Why so much pain? Why so many lies? Why are people so cruel to each other?” – the first words of 22-year-old marine Yurii Hulchuk, who lost his speech and the ability to experience emotions due to torture in Russian captivity.

by ibloodylovecider

  1. Full:

    “Why so much pain? Why so many lies? Why are people so cruel to each other?” – the first words of 22-year-old marine Yurii Hulchuk, who lost his speech and the ability to experience emotions due to torture in Russian captivity.

    His mother was told by Warriors who had returned from captivity earlier that her son stopped speaking back in June of 2022. Yurii returned to Ukraine on September 14, 2024. His condition shocked everyone who saw him. But despite the doctors’ disappointing prognosis, Yurii started to speak.”

  2. Just another example and reason to never lose hope. It’s horrible that he had to experience that along with so many others experiencing similar torment during their captivity, but great to see him improve.

    Even post-war, there will have to be efforts to rescue POWs, kidnapped children and those who cannot protect themselves from Russia’s crimes.

  3. Thank you for following up on the reporting on this guy. I felt for him when I saw him and his mother and he just wasn’t there as she hugged him.

  4. Meds can do wonders, for trauma like this, ketamine can do wonders with a good therapist to guide him through it. I feel like it can speed up PTSD recovery significantly.

  5. God bless him and give him full recovery so he can tell the entire wild about Russian crimes

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