by VariousBear9

  1. Of course it functions. It’s basically a gas chamber, and Switzerland is mostly populated by Germans 2.0

  2. What would you do when you see a 1% chance of reincarnation and you are born as a Swiss citizen? 🤔

  3. Of course it works, it’s well-known. It uses nitrogen.

    Breathing CO2 makes you suffocate and panic before you die. Nitrogen doesn’t have that effect: you breathe it normally, you just lose consciousness and die painlessly.

    The mechanism was always known, it’s just this specific device that is new.

  4. Obviously it functions, why shouldnt it? I could be shitface drunk and still build a working 100€ version at home in a couple of hours.

    Mine would just be an anesthesia breathing mask with 100% laughing gas going in instead, but you really don’t need the whole shiny box. It’s only about O2 deprivation (without high CO2 buildup in the blood, that could trigger breathing panic).

    This would work 100% of the time, and be completely painless (when I was younger I once blacked out while doing too much laughing gas – the oxygen deprivation plus the anesthesia made it like an off switch, like it never happened – no memory, I just woke up laughing my ass of (my friends on the other hand were traumatized. 3 minutes later I felt how swollen my lip was, as I hit It while falling down like a sack of potatoes). Ironically, you can’t really feel oxygen deprivation, it’s mainly the high CO2 levels that leads to the urge to breathe/the panic)

  5. Finally allow this in every country for fucks sake. People should have the fundamen right to decide if and how they want to die.

  6. Why is it painted with metal flake like a fairground dodgem? Seems slightly misaligned with the tone of events happening *inside* the pod.

  7. they do one for fat guys? can you imagine trying to use it and the door won’t close… i’d be mortified.

  8. Oh god now I’m envisioning a scenario where in a gameshow 5 of these pods are next to each other, one does “the thing” and the 4 others only contain a sweet lavender smell

  9. If it doesn’t provide free chocolate to eat while you’re waiting for it to happen, then that thing is 3 stars at best.

  10. suggestive ass headline. title makes it seem like she died by accident. she died because she chose to.


    >Police in the Schaffhausen region said they arrested “several persons” on suspicion of inciting, and aiding and abetting suicide after she died reportedly by using a pod made by the company Sarco on Monday.
    >While assisted dying is legally protected in some circumstances in Switzerland, it is strictly regulated and the Sarco pod has encountered opposition.
    >Officers recovered the device and body at the scene.

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