IDF conducts a precision strike on a building in Beirut

IDF conducts a precision strike on a building in Beirut

by shroxreddits

  1. It’s beginning to look a lot like Gaza 🎢🎢🎡🎡🎢🀣

  2. if this was Ukraine yall would be losing ur shit calling it evil but since its Reddit combat footage .”Trust me bro this is different” fuck all of you who is ok with seeing a residential building bombed

  3. If this sub teaches you one thing, it’s that war crimes and atrocities aren’t inherently bad. It seems to depend on which side you’re currently rooting for. The end always justifies the means.

  4. Wait, not even multiple high yield precision bomb strikes melts steel beams? /S

    Damn, Lebanon really got its rectum raided during the last years/decades. COVID and that huge fertilizer explosion alone violated it severely, but it looks like they won’t catch a break anytime soon. Damn that last decade must have sucked for the folks there

  5. Israel has spied on the USA for decades, more than any other country. In 1965 Israel stole more than 300 lbs of enriched uranium from the USA. Yet you still blindly cheer on a genocide.

  6. IDF = An acronym for Israel Defense Forces, commonly known in Israel by its Hebrew acronym Tzahal. The IDF is the State of Israel’s military, including ground forces, air force and navy. Israeli Law requires that all Israeli citizens and permanent residents begin serving in the Israeli army at the age of 18.

    -The Internet

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