Selenskyjs Treffen mit Harris und sein Streit mit Trump offenbaren eine wachsende parteipolitische Kluft in der Ukraine-Frage

Selenskyjs Treffen mit Harris und sein Streit mit Trump offenbaren eine wachsende parteipolitische Kluft in der Ukraine-Frage

  1. It reveals nothing. Trump tried to extort Zelenskyy and was impeached for it. Kamala is willing to help his country.

    We already knew both of these things, so it reveals nothing.

  2. Trump’s recent campaign rally mentioning Ukraine was a love letter to Russia. Off the rails insane and factually inaccurate. Would have ceded territory to Russia to make problem go away, Putin and Russia crushingly strong. And yet very little coverage. For any other politician it would have been career ending.

  3. It doesn’t really reveal anything other than
    reinforce the belief that russia has compromising info on trump. I’m betting something epstein related.

    They don’t even try to hide their timed attacks on zelensky whenever there’s a possibility that something good comes out of their visit.

  4. Trump is open about selling Ukraine to Russia, why would Zelenskyy even bother to meet with him?

  5. Trump literally said to give Putin whatever he wants just y yesterday. It’s not a “growing” partisan divide it’s a huge fucking canyon that has been there since the day the pathetic piece of shit tried to withhold aid from Ukraine and got impeached for it

  6. I don’t at all believe this to be a partisan thing. This is a Trump vs Ukraine thing. Republicans and Democrats both support Ukraine – it’s just Trumptards trying to selfishly stir shit up again.

  7. Putin doesn’t want the US to help Ukraine. Trump doesn’t want the US to help Ukraine while most every other western country does. Enough said.

  8. Considering the future of his country is largely dependent on Harris winning in Nov I can see why he went to meet her.

  9. The partisan divide is that the right takes marching orders from the kremlin, while the left does not.

  10. Someone congratulate this reporter for waking up from their near decade long coma. So many world events for them to catch up on!

  11. Russia is not our friend and never has been. Letting Russia take Ukraine hurts decades of hard work done by NATO aligned countries. Putin and pals want to damage the west.  While the GOP is busy pulling Putins pud, they continue to sow division and hate in the USA/UK/Germany/Poland and beyond to damage our unity. They have been extremely successful. 

  12. Trump has been a Putin fan boy and asset for years. He should not be permitted to run for election as he is an intelligence asset for the enemy.

  13. Trump
    Was impeached 2 times for withholding funds to Ukraine!! Technically Trump started the war by not letting Zelenski arm and prepare for Putler! If he had had the funds, he could have nipped this in the bud! Trump is literally responsible (imo) for everything wrong with the GOP today! He made it ok, to kill women and babies by stopping roe v wade, he rapes little girls that look like his daughter, he supports sex trafficking, he is a felon convicted 34 times of fraud, he is a blatant racist, he is a con grifter that is hateful and fear mongering. He made it feel ok for MAGA to behave this way! He needs to not win. Or project 2025 that he created will become reality!
    Vote blue!

  14. Trump followers are now pro-russia anti-ukraine simply because Biden supports Ukraine. If Biden supported not eating paint chips, they’d all be headed to home depot’s paint aisle for the lunch buffet. 

  15. Gee… I wonder why? The orange muppet wants to force Ukraine to surrender, so he can use “I ended war” propaganda! Trump is a clown and Putin’s bestie, I hope however annoying Liberals are, Harris wins!

  16. Trump openly proclaims he is going to stop aide to Ukraine. No shit Zelenskyy’s buttering Harris’s biscuits right now.

  17. Gee Trump is accusing Zelenskyy of having a favorite.

    Zelenskyy: “hmmm. Should I side with the person (Harris) that supports democracy and Ukraine’s right to exist. Or should I side with the person (Trump) that supports Putin, fascism, and giving Putin “whatever he wants.” Hmmm. What a difficult decision.”

  18. Russian bot reveals increasingly obvious and futile attempts to divide the American public.

  19. It’s not a partisan divide. One side is paid by the U.S. enemy to undermine the democratic institutions of the U.S. the other isn’t.

  20. Trump’s ‘He won’t meet your favorite president, me’ Just…. How the fuck did we get here? This fucker is a small child.

    Vote like democracy depends on it, fellow Americans. It’s not just our democracy at stake. Ukraine is a very important ally and we cannot afford for Putin’s bitch to march them towards their end.

  21. This gets said a lot – but man, as a child of the 80’s it so fucking wild to witness the GOP’s 180 regarding Russia over the last decade. They used to be (or at least pretend to be) the tough, pax Americana or gtfo guys when I was a youngling.

  22. People in the US, please don’t let Trump become president again. He already shocked the system once, he may cause irreversible damage this time around.

  23. How a major American party can be so pro-dictator and pro-Russia is pretty insane.

    All those stupid memes about our veterans dying in Europe and the Pacific they circulate on Facebook and X, when those people sacrificed as part of a collective effort fighting exactly this kind of fascism, only for their descendents to pray at the altar of it because it is easier to follow a fake strongman than navigate the complicated nuances of a changing world. Our ancestors are in fact rolling in their graves, but not for the reasons these people think.

  24. One wants to let a former KGB officer reestablish the Soviet Empire with Ukraine as its starting point, but this time backed by a powerful and industrious China. The cold war cost the west and the US trillions upon trillions of dollars, which will be cheap compared to what it will cost this time.

    The other one does not want a new Soviet, and wants to prevent it by sending old military hardware that will cost money to scrap in a few years, to a free democratic country that wants to ally with the western hemegony. 

  25. What a ridiculous headline. There are at least a dozen or more members of Congress and a former president who are in collusion with Putin. Zellensky hasn’t dared to call them out for fear they will succeed in November, nor has the Democratic party had enough balls to state the obvious. The corporate media enjoys the financial windfall of non stop political drama and ignores the fact that this is , literally, the end of democracy, world peace, and the capitulation of our country to her mortal enemies, here and abroad. If Republicans win, everyone’s life is about to take a very dark turn. Maybe there are too many people willing to live on their knees instead of dying on their feet.

  26. Trump is clearly team Putin, listen closely any time he speaks on the war. He always has something positive to say towards Russia, and something negative about Ukraine. It’s clear where his allegiance lies.

  27. “If I was president Putin would have never invaded Ukraine!” – completely ignores that Russia was in Ukraine during his entire presidency.

  28. If my memory serves( and it may be suspect) didn’t the Republican party used to hold the mantra of military hawks. They believed in a strong defense and stand up for the oppressed. They wanted to fight against Communism. In my youth we were taught to be afraid of Red Square and the communist doctrine.

    Im not commenting on the best way to deal with the war effort in Ukraine. Do we continue to give money or believe Trump can masterfully work magic and end the war even before he takes office.

    My point is, since Russia appears to be (IS) the aggressor, and the populist has voting rights in sheeps clothing only, why are we not taught by the Republicans to hate their system anymore?

  29. What partisan divide? With all the information about Russia paying his sycophants, as they say, the proverbial apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

  30. Why is there a partisan divide? If you don’t support Ukraine, that means you support Russia, it’s just that simple. If you support Russia you are a scumbag, just that plain & simple… If you support Russia, you should be investigated as a possible collusionist, collaborator or sympathizer.

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