A local Russian volunteer shares her experience with the evacuated residents of the Kursk region. “Everything is bad, everything is captured!” “Everyone is lying and hiding everything!”

A local Russian volunteer shares her experience with the evacuated residents of the Kursk region. “Everything is bad, everything is captured!” “Everyone is lying and hiding everything!”

by BigDeckBob

  1. This is what happens when you sit idly by while your government starts a fight with its neighbour and you do nothing to stop it !

  2. Awwww you poor fckn orc. You all can thank your great putler for this. Most of the world hates you russians and we do not give a shit. Fck russia.

  3. Imagine being old enough to have seen the soviet union and how life was back then and then have the audacity to wear that patch.

    People already forgotten how the waited at gas stations for hours just to find out gas is gone already? Fueling their cars on illegal tank trucks hoping the stuff isnt mixed with other stuff? Long lines for meat and other stuff? The absence of simple comfort as having your own toiled in the apartment building?

    That is what you want back? That is what you hold dearly?

    Ive grown up in the DDR and i have some good memories but boy i wouldnt want to live there back then as a adult… no sir.

  4. No clothes, no food, no heating this winter and no home might just be enough to make some Russians become interested in politics.

  5. Take the bitch to Bucha for a lesson in modern history and let’s see if she wants to cry about that.

  6. And where the fuck were you, bitch, when your Russian soldiers did the same thing to Ukraine for the past 2.5yrs? You were lucky it was Ukrainians invading you, because they actually took care to avoid civilian casualties, while you animals were purposely targeting Ukrainian civilians and cities. You’re angry? You have so many emotions? Who the fuck cares.

  7. So bad for her! Notice she’s not complaining about the Ukrainian soldiers? No complaints of rape, murder, blowing up buildings? Zero tears for Russia.

  8. They are crying over a blip on the map, when they were doing this and much worse to people of Ukraine for almost 3 years now… die and rot, literal scum of the earth.

  9. So…they think everything is just wonderful in Ukraine? But let me guess, since it’s home they don’t deserve it lol

  10. “We need so much more **humanitarian aid**…it’s awful” And **who will be sending** that to you?

  11. Saw this yesterday on ‘Spy’s File’ TG channel (Досье Шпиона):

    RF losses in the Kursk Region as of September 20.2024

    KIA 1031

    WIA 8395

    MIA 302 (226 conscripts, 52 contract soldiers, 24 Border FSB)

    POW 289 (262 of them has been exchanged already, 27 left)

  12. Fucked around and found out. They’ve been doing it to Ukraine for 2.5 years. Enjoy what you’ve created. Orcs!

  13. To the gulag for you. But first, a video saying everything is actually great in Kursk thanks to VV Putin, and apologize for the live mental episode that had absolutely nothing to do with the SVO.

  14. What I find interesting is that you didn’t saw videos like this with all the Ukrainian refugees who had to look their entire city getting flattened, city after city, year after year. It’s only a problem when russians experience the same thing.

  15. Wait until till she finds out about the 250000+ 200’s and the 300000+ wounded Z-tards, and the thousands of kidnapped Ukrainian Children.

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