Safeguarding the union

Safeguarding the union

by Tonymac81


    also here is the Ulster Banner – a controversial fleg representing NI for 50 years and not legitimate for the last 50 years

  2. If they love England so much why don’t they go live there?

    They’d love it till they see how they get treated by the English

  3. ![gif](giphy|yHUiExmU40A4U|downsized)

    That Microsoft Word 97 evening class is still paying for itself all these years later 👌

  4. My only experience of Pete Shirlow is him appearing on shows hosted by Mark Carruthers where he always seemed quite reasonable. Has he gone off the deep end or something?

  5. I am a peace loving pro-unification irish nationalist, I am extremely grateful that we now live in a peaceful democracy and therefor have zero problem with this, indeed it strenthens our democracy. The only issue I have is the graphics, it looks like it was done by someone who hasn’t developed there skills or software, in the last 20 years.

  6. Lots of comments about the design – and rightly so. Someone sat down, made this, tweaked it a bit, looked at it, tweaked it a bit more, then went “Yep – perfect. I’ll send it out”.

  7. This genuinely looks like parody.

    ‘Naw flip the flags around on the opposite side – it’ll look better so it will.’

    I wonder will this strategic vision on how to maintain the Union involve trying to broaden support for it through outreach to non-traditionally unionist voices and communities?

    Or is it, if we march really hard and plug our ears really hard, the problem goes away?

  8. Not one mention at actually building cross community relationships to approach it or actually finding out how it can work for nationalists too.

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