[Tariq Panja] Manchester City’s attempts to challenge the Premier League’s associated party rules/broader decision making structure seems to have failed. Beyond potential tiny concessions related to a database, it seems the club has secured very little at considerable expense.

[Tariq Panja] Manchester City’s attempts to challenge the Premier League’s associated party rules/broader decision making structure seems to have failed. Beyond potential tiny concessions related to a database, it seems the club has secured very little at considerable expense.

by SamDamSam0

  1. >, it seems the club has secured very little at considerable expense.

    Like when they signed Kalvin Phillips.

  2. Two posts in the same day. One said city was about to get a victory in this and now this one. Honestly wish I could just ignore until the verdict.

  3. Yeah, reading the other articles after seeing the hyperbolic headlines makes you realize how ridiculously click-baity they are.

  4. One article: potential significant Manchester city victory. Other article: Manchester city failure. I’m just going to do what I do when the transfer window is open: ignore it all and see what happens.

  5. Maybe everyone should calm down and wait until there is something official on this?

    The lack of transparency certainly doesn’t help the Premier League here.

  6. So the Premier League making concessions and choosing not to fight on all accounts of the Associated Party Rules has been interpreted by The Times as an indication of a bigger win that it may actually be?

    These court cases should really be made public. The media being allowed to shape the narrative without providing all the facts is absolutely useless and potentially harmful.

    I’m not saying City are without their faults but this type of media influence creates such animosity between rival fans when the rivalry should be focused on what is happening on the pitch.

  7. The City PR team really have been outdoing themselves this week – “Dark arts”, “significant victory”. It’s astonishing how quickly the media uncritically laps it up and propagates it.

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