Tears as police probing Manchester grooming gang arrest seven men in dawn raids. The M.E.N. joined GMP during raids over crimes said to have been committed 20 years ago, with the men arrested on suspicion of sex crimes against a girl under 16

Tears as police probing Manchester grooming gang arrest seven men in dawn raids. The M.E.N. joined GMP during raids over crimes said to have been committed 20 years ago, with the men arrested on suspicion of sex crimes against a girl under 16


Posted by Make_the_music_stop

  1. So many more people should be held accountable for this, so many care staff are guilty of allowing this to happen.  

    Manchester City Council should also be held accountable, they actively hid these crimes.

    Edit: Rochdale Council too.

    And GMP – Crimes were happening at least in 2002. 

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