Russian Tank Crewman Hit By Kamikaze Drone Escaping His Tank.

Russian Tank Crewman Hit By Kamikaze Drone Escaping His Tank.

by Woddie_321

  1. What an idiot! Why would he go back and start crawling on the tank when it’s cooking off rounds.

  2. Its funny seeing all the pro ruskie bots and clowns making fun of pro Ukraine for saying western tanks do their job of protecting the crew when they are disabled yet every day we see ruskie trash cans burning from inside out like this one. ruskie military and their fan clubs are trash beyond measure.

  3. Long day, poor eyesight on phone etc but are we sure it was a drone? Just that I see a fire on the turret behind his head and the explosion appears to emanate from it (don’t see a drone) could it be external 12.7 mm ammo for NSVT or DShK or the one block of ERA that isn’t rubber. Probably wrong but…

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