Orbán aide faces backlash for saying Hungary wouldn’t have fought a Russian invasion

Orbán aide faces backlash for saying Hungary wouldn’t have fought a Russian invasion

by Exotic_Donkey4929

  1. ‘The aide, Balázs Orbán, who isn’t related to the prime minister, said on his podcast on Wednesday that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had made an “irresponsible” decision by opting to militarily defend his country after Moscow launched its full-scale invasion in February 2022.’

  2. Time to cut ties with these traitors, its unbelievable that the world has shifted to such extensive diplomacy that governments can get away with anything because voting/doing anything about it would take years

  3. Shame on this pathetic asshole… Orbán and his branch have no principles, they just want to steal the money and keep the leadership. To do something that could help the country is not an option. And there are 2 million stupid idiots eating this shit up.
    15 years ago these retards hated the Russians like shit, now thanks to Orban Russia is the best etc. Disgusting.

  4. It’s incredulous that this asshole and Hungary are part of Europe and NATO. We need to cut them off and set them adrift urgently!

  5. Of course not, they would have bent over and taken it like the good proxy they are. Urban and Lukashenko, Putin’s not so secret mistresses.

  6. Orban would be quite happy for a Lukashenko type arrangement. Russian-backed jack-booted thugs keeping him in power as he pillages his own country.

  7. In short, he is saying he would spread his buttocks for the russian occupiers. This is some cuck syndrome with zero self-respect and these people call themselves patriots, LOL.

  8. Hungary got a $1billion loan from China earlier this year and said they would get more in the future.

    As EU starts cutting Hungary’s funding Orban will look to China for help making them more susceiptible to Chinese influence.

  9. It’s ironic how nationalists are always the most willing to cede their nation to foreign dictators. They can only punch down.

  10. Just remove the Hungary from EU and Nato. They bring nothing to the table except being a russian asset and parasite.

  11. Where’s the lie ……as much ass as Orban kisses of Putin,I could see him bowing down as the coward he is and letting Russia take over

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