Disney Layoffs Underway: Hundreds Of Corporate Staffers Impacted

Disney Layoffs Underway: Hundreds Of Corporate Staffers Impacted


by lurker_bee

  1. Interesting. Especially because Disney is still reporting high revenue despite less foot traffic to its biggest money-maker: their parks.

    However, since this is mostly affecting the management roles, and not the on the ground levels, I guess they’re just cutting redundancy. And of course, helping the true C-Suites get their cuts.

    Iger promised to make changes when he was rehired as CEO. He’s know to make profitable and ruthless decisions so this is right in line with his MO.

  2. This is because YOU PEOPLE allowed Trump to get into office.

    Biden/Harris would have NEVER, EVER allowed this to happen.


    You get what you deserve for allowing your orange man to steal the office.

    **Vote Trump for prison!**

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