If Russia attacks Ukrainian nuclear plants, immediate intervention will be necessary – Polish President

If Russia attacks Ukrainian nuclear plants, immediate intervention will be necessary – Polish President


by Barch3

  1. I don’t see Poland standing by while Radiation caused by Russian intentional pre planned attacks drifts over the border. I do think that will be the act that starts WW3 for Poland.

    Hence I doubt Russia will do this, as they can’t beat Poland and Ukraine on their own, let alone Nato. War over by noon the next day.

  2. A stern talking to with lots of finger wagging?

    The only proper western response should be a simple 3 character message, kind of like a Cypher code. Examples of proper code responses are F22, F15, F35 and B52.

  3. Then Poland will have to act quickly with Ukraine and the Baltics. The ditheribg countries can follow behind.

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