Trump blasts Zelensky, says the Ukrainian president ‘refuses to make a deal’

Former President Donald Trump criticized Volodymyr Zelensky, claiming the Ukrainian president “refuses to make a deal” amid Russia’s war in Ukraine, marking Trump’s most explicit criticism of Zelensky’s handling of the war to date.

#CNN #News

  1. usually america smuggles out arms and in drugs but only junkies would live in ukraine cities so maybe he picks up instead but also brings back or else they will get zombie zombie now instead just zombies up there …

  2. The British minister said that the US should not be scared like a coward, but Biden's refusal to authorize Ukraine's long-range missiles means that Russia has won the war. With China's help, the aggressor criminal Russia will take over 1 of Ukraine's 4 oblasts, the eastern part. In the 21st century economic war, G2 (US, China), Biden and Harris failed to contain China by easing semiconductor sanctions, losing the war and putting the economy at risk.

  3. zelenkyy and the "RIGHT SECTOR" in wikipedia he was a "pagan novorodskyite" who gathered at homes typically for worship to eat rabbit stew and talk novorodky stuff" now it just has he's a jew, but the jailed opposition of him is also a jew …stupid country

  4. Rosjanie wyjaśnijcie mi proszę, skoro Władimir Putin i tym samym też Kreml oświadczyli (zawsze kłamią w jedności) że operacja specjalna potrwa 3 dni a doskonale analitycy z Kremlu wiedzieli że jest to nie możliwe, bez prowadzenia wojennej operacji sam dojazd rosyjskich żołnierzy do granicy ukraińsko polskiej to by trwało aż 19 dni, analitycy wiedzieli o tym że problem korupcji, okradanie paliwa, trwało by to taki okres czasu. A skoro Władimir Putin i Kreml świadomie muszą okłamywać Rosjan to o czym to świadczy? Proszę mi odpisać, ja czekam. J031

  5. Zelinsky was flown by the Biden Harris Administration on a C-17 to Pennsylvania, posing with the Guv to campaign for Harris.
    That is clearly Election Interference by the Democrat Machine, bringing Selinsky to campaign for Harris.

    He then has the nerve to continue his charade orchestated with Biden, and then CNN all to push for Harris to win the election.
    This is further Election Interference.

    Zelinsky is making a huge mistake, considering Trump will likely win the election. Pissing off Trump, who is in a position to help Ukraine with a peace deal. Big miscalculation by Salinsky.

  6. Trump has nothing to offer this world. He’s just full of insults and attacks.
    American workers are receiving the money to produce these weapons. They are not giving the cash to Ukraine.

  7. Trump said yesterday that "Ukraine is gone." Trump was impeaced for blackmailing Ukraine by withholding military aid. Trump said that Putin "is a gennius" for Invading Ukraine. Trump said "Ukraine could have avoiding this war if they had given Russia a little bit of land." TRUMP IS A TRAITOR. TRUMP IS A PUTIN ASSET

  8. The guy who's never been in war criticises the guy who's been in war since February 2022

    And the critic claims he can make a deal to end the war. Which is nothing short of giving in to all of Putin's demands and get out of Ukraine

    I ask you, is that a leader making "America great again" or appeasing an inhuman dictator and not caring one bit about other human lives, regardless if they are Ukrainian or American

  9. Spare me Trump has stated publicly many times that as POTUS he will end the war in 24hrs During a townhall hosted by Fox, Hannity asked him how he would go about ending the war in 24hrs, Trump stated "With one phone call"…..Nuff said, that's Mexico paying for the border wall all over again, fool me once.

  10. I don’t understand how this is even a close race. The candidate is clearly unstable—he can’t manage his own family, let alone lead a country. It’s obvious that the Heritage Foundation only needs him in office to open doors for their own agenda, after which they’ll push him aside to take control. Steve Bannon himself mentioned this before he went to jail. Fact check it

  11. Trump is asking him to give up on his own country and the leader of said country cannot tell Trump to STFU? How much influence does Russia has on the Circus party?!

  12. So if Ukraine makes a deal with Russia some land, and Russia will leave leave Ukraine.. it's as easy as that. Following that premise we can give Mexico some a little land let's say Texas and Mexico won't send us any imagrients.problem solved. To think people think he's a moron .

  13. it could be israel will be forced to step up immigration and take in all the USA ones they bred here or they don't get the defense loan equivelent to the cold war "debt" "defense" when we had to fend off marxist joos with joo bankers for themselves

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