The Pentagon has recommended providing Ukraine with white phosphorus shells, but the White House opposes it. Such shells help on the battlefield

The Pentagon has recommended providing Ukraine with white phosphorus shells, but the White House opposes it. Such shells help on the battlefield

The Pentagon has recommended providing Ukraine with white phosphorus shells, but the White House opposes it. Such shells help on the battlefield

by ua-stena

  1. I would prefer Sam, AWACS capability and long range AA missile for F16. And shells. And gblr. And satellite signal mirroring. And mrap. And gears. No need for war crime shells.

  2. >white phosphorus shells.

    Spec ops the line taught me how fucked up white phosphorus is… on the other hand this war is full of dudes burning other dudes up.

  3. Irritating that Biden-Harris keeps hamstringing Ukraine. 

    I’d vote them out, but Trump would just have Ukraine surrender. 

  4. No Balls Biden is getting a lot of people killed and encouraging China to get involved in the conflict. This is extremely foolish.

  5. White phosphorus for smoke, not for committing war crimes.

    Ukraine isn’t going to start committing war crimes using banned weapons.

    The problem is that even you knuckleheads in the comments can’t tell the difference. Look at you instantly talking about how Ukraine is going to indiscriminately melt the flesh of its enemies or whatever the fuck.

    This bullshit is the exact reason why the White House is reluctant. Because they know that in the minds of the public “white phosphorus” means “burning deadly criminal weaponry” even though that’s not actually true in this case.

    So congratulations for proving the White House’s point. Well done. Slow clap and everything.

    (Oh you don’t like that? Then get your shit together and *stop posting this nonsense in the comments.* It’s 100% on you.)

  6. If white phosphorus would help save Ukrainian lives from Russian genocide, then not giving it to them is an unjustifiable atrocity and arguably a war crime.

  7. If the Nazis can bring their own, the Ukrainian should be allowed to use it, in any way that is legal.

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