Rachel Reeves hopes for £50 billion windfall with fiscal rules rejig

Rachel Reeves hopes for £50 billion windfall with fiscal rules rejig


by 457655676

  1. “Rejig” = we’re paying for it

    There is going to be a hell of a lot more HS2’s before we see any material improvement and an unfreezing of tax bands.

    If you have savings, unrealised capital gains or an inheritance that you’re not rich enough to shield via complex off shoring, best pre-lube now.

  2. Can’t afford to lift the 2 child benefit cap, can’t afford to give pensioners the winter fuel payment and now they can somehow pull £50bn out of their arse.

  3. So theres a 20bn black hole, but now we’re able to suddenly raise 50bn?
    They got liz truss doing the numbers here?

  4. They must of found the money tree in a back office cupboard. Boris and Rishy probably hid it there.

  5. Anyone else just think the government is wildly out of control and focus on things that the average person can’t relate to or have a life improvement from? Every party is ego driven, money grabbing actors that aren’t held accountable with how pants they leave the country day by day.

  6. It is going to be an interesting budget for sure. We found £50 billion down the back of the sofa, but unfortunately everyone but non dom millionaires will have to pay more in tax.

  7. seems like there’s no actual pleasing of general public. It’s invest in everything but also don’t ask me to pay for it. At this stage the country is so ficked that shit needs to be changed just to see if it works.. while I’d appreciate if the government avoided making poorer, I’d also rather see something change than receive same bullshit in the news time after time and see no change. Let’s try something new. I’m giving this government a genuine chance to prove me wrong.

  8. Dream on. The current debt is a function of government after government investing in one vanity project after another.

  9. “Some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make!”

    How does she manage to look so much like Farquad here?

  10. So far the “investment ” in public services consists of puring money into inflationary wage increases for his union friends. It won’t beong before all the money is soaked up without any benefits to the end customer, the patient.

  11. Will they reverse the Winter Fuel Allowance cut and stop going on about that 20 billion deficit then?

  12. Look you need to do the maths. According to the UK National Audit Office, the cost of The Dome to the public (National lottery and tax payer) at the liquidation of the New Millennium Experience Company in 2002 was £789 million.

    That is the cost of several hospitals.

  13. Friendly reminder that when the government is running a deficit every penny spent over is borrowed.

    It’s not about finding money, it’s about borrowing money.

    The only way to meaningfully increase government expenditure is growth. This is desperately needed in the UK because currently nearly 80% of the workforce are tax burdens due to dogshit productivity and wages.

  14. So, she wants to change the rules that limit government borrowing?

    This is like watching Chelsea and Manchester City stretching the spending rules to breaking point to gain an advantage. Other countries can see what we’re up to, and our ability to borrow money as a nation is affected.

    (we end up paying more interest on the national debt aka government bonds)

  15. I don’t think Labour are shaking off the image of fiscal incompetence quite as well as they hoped they would.

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