
Posted by Manofpans44

  1. It’s amazing that even my republican friends know tRump is a piece of shit and aren’t put off by him being corrupt and convicted. They now say or meme, “The hate for one man is more than the love of the country.” Well, if they know their guy is shit, they should’ve replaced him with someone else who can properly represent the country. And someone who isn’t a felon. The only thing they can find on Harris is her laugh. 🙄

  2. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie – or at least an exaggeration.

    He figures he’s gotten his core supporters to believe in him for so long that he can say ANYTHING and they will believe it.

    “Worst economy ever!” he says
    “Best economy in a long time!” the reality.

    “Illegal Haitians eating dogs and cats!” he says.
    Not true, in reality, and he is now being charged for a crime over this.

    “Harris is a Marxist and a communist!” SO NOT TRUE. Just look at her policies.

    “Illegal immigration is killing the country! They are coming in and taking all the jobs!” NOT true. Truth is… illegal immigration is down. Some illegal immigrants are taking jobs like…. picking tomatoes… I don’t see this as a precious job that people covet. But let’s put the blame where it belongs: With the people who hire them. Still the point needs to be made that most illegal immigrants are just looking for a safe life where they have a place to live and enough food.

    I mean…… I could go on, like the shit about countries emptying their jails and asylums lol….. but you get the idea.

    The one that I just can’t fathom: So-called Christians who support him despite the fact that he is the LEAST Christian public figure I can think of. He goes against EVERYTHING taught by Jesus so why would a Christian support him?

  3. If a Republican Vice President with 34 years in public service as a law and order attorney was going up against a Democrat ‘billionaire’ hobo criminal, the Republicans would be going nuts.

  4. One is also an actually serious human being. The other has been a very public joke since the 70s. Just about done with this attempt at reality. 

  5. Trump: -60 years in public service. And it’s only that little because it’s hard to judge a kid as being engaged in the exact opposite of public service.

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