Thug fatally punched ‘wonderful’ grandad in Bury after bike row

Thug fatally punched ‘wonderful’ grandad in Bury after bike row

by mronion82

  1. Five years and four months. He’ll probably be out in 3 years or less. Imagine seeing fit to punch a 73 year old man in the face because he told you not to ride on the pavement. Even most yobs would probably just tell the bloke to fuck off, but this lump of dog shit went the extra mile and punched him so hard he fractured his skull. He’s clearly a danger to literally everyone around him.

  2. A man lost his life. His family lost someone they dearly loved. Yet his killer got only five years because he struggles with his emotions.

    It’s absolutely ridiculous. Which is normal for this country now.

  3. This doesn’t surprise me with the kind of rhetoric directed at pensioners on this sub.

    It was only a matter of time before something like this happened.

  4. We’re a joke of a country.

    3 previous convictions, including assaulting an emergency worker.

    A three-strike law would have meant this man would still be alive today. Actually, a three-strike law would mean 90% of the crime that’s committed wouldn’t be anymore.

    But alas, instead of rightfully and obviously permanently removing this scum from our society he’s sentenced to 5 fucking years.

    Remember, the next person he assaults when he out he genuinely should not be held culpable.

    It’s like keeping a dog that’s repeatedly bit you, at that point it’s on you.

    He’s show the state/judiciary/police who he is and they’ve said that that’s ok. That we have to live with him.

    No, the next person he victimises the only person you have to blame is the state.

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