[OC]Every 100th Person in Archived Newspapers with Facial Hair from 1960 to 2023

[OC]Every 100th Person in Archived Newspapers with Facial Hair from 1960 to 2023

Posted by Itstoolongitwillruno

  1. The data sources I used were:





    The tool I used to create the graph was Microsoft Excel. I counted by browsing every newspaper page spanning 63 years looking for males with or without facial hair. The years 2020 and 2021 were tricky to count for obvious reasons.

  2. Ah “every hundredth” = bearded per 100 people.

    I like it. Is it per men? Seems high if I’m interpreting correctly.

  3. Seems like chin strap should be a lot more common in the 90s through 2010s. How good is your algorithm at identifying chin straps?

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