Iceland sell this… I have bought one. Give me suggestions for what would go well with this

Iceland sell this… I have bought one. Give me suggestions for what would go well with this

by scorpioskillz

  1. Some suggestions:

    – Potato wedges

    – Ham or chicken sandwich

    – Fishfinger sandwich

    – Make an egg salad

    – Dip for any veggie stick

    – Chicken goujons

    – Could be interesting with some pizza or a sausage roll

    – In a burger?

  2. Can I have a review! And rating, cos this screams a bit of me.

    But I’d go with wedges or fish fingers!

  3. When I think taste and quality, I think onion, vinegar and egg. You lucky bastard.

    Maybe just dollop it on your raw garlic and use that as a snack, keep it in your pocket to show off a bit. Then make sure you find a lass just to show off your stench, guaranteed to pull.

  4. Onions and garlic are basically the same thing, and mayo already has vinegar in it.

    Treat as garlic mayo and you’ll not go far wrong.

  5. Damn thought this was Salad Cream.

    Yeah, weird I know, but I prefer my egg and oil emulsions to be more acidic.

  6. The picked monster munch.

    Why would you even need to ask this?

    Or those Chardonnay white wine vinegar sea salt crops from coop.

    Because who needs tongues?

  7. Yeah I also saw these in farmfoods and they also sold Oreo coke. I will be leaving the planet at the next best convenience

  8. Tomato sauce mix them both and make essentially prawn cocktail sauce.

    Just for kicks, it’s why you bought it right!

    I would love to know how they both taste 😁

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