Friday Fread (27 Sep 24)

It’s Friday! The weekend is almost here, and that’s not a dirty word either.

Come on in and have a chat – what’s on for your day?

by dexbydesign89

  1. Up early to get on the exercise bike for an hour. I was doing really well with exercise until the last fortnight where it’s fallen off a cliff and I’m sneaking back onto junk food again.

    Nowt planned this weekend; probably sort the loft out and list more stuff for sale that I’ve been hoarding.

  2. It’s my birthday today and I’m the sickest I’ve been in ages. It started out as a pretty nasty head cold, and I thought that was gonna ruin my birthday as is, but it got worse, and I ended up spending my morning with my head in the toilet.

    I’m gonna try and give today a go and push through as much as I can. But realistically, I’ll probably have to cancel everything. So depressed.

  3. We’re going to start potty training our two year old today. That means no nappies today and hopefully not, but probably, quite a few accidents. Wish us luck that the little guy thinks it’s a swell idea and picks it up fast.

  4. Morning checklist- back ache, headache, feel knackered, don’t want to get out of bed and cannot be arsed for work. Check!

    Well alls in order, ready for another day.

  5. About fucking time, been awake since 4:30 thankfully early finish today. It’s been a long week looking forward to a friend’s birthday drinks and some good scran.

  6. Early finish today, so might pop to Bluewater for a few bits as I’m hoping it’ll be quieter than a weekend visit.

  7. PAYDAY!!!

    Now just to watch the wages come in and plummet screaming straight out the bottom of the account.

  8. It’s been a long week, but it has been a nice one as I’ve had long-overdue catchups with a couple of friends.

    Tonight we need to do wedding stuff, then tomorrow I’ll be doing wedding stuff, then on Sunday we’ll be shopping for wedding stuff (and hopefully having a nice lunch out). Are you sensing the theme yet?

  9. Going into the office and it’s only me and my closest work mate in. We’re going for pasta for lunch and I’m already fantasising about the food. Family games night tonight.

  10. My last day of work today following redundancy. I’m middle aged and nobody wants to employ me. Come Monday I’ll officially be a useless man.

  11. Waiting for an engineer to come and fix my washing machine, which is convenient because I’ll avoid all this crap weather that’s around for when I head into work later-on. If I’d have gone in earlier on I’d have gotten soaked, much like I was last night.

  12. Jealous my partner bought the biggest coat from Barbour last year for discount near spring.

    The thing goes to her feet, the sleeves have this shape that allows rain not go in and her hood looks like the head gear they wear in the handmaiden.

    Here I am wet in my bloody parka.

  13. My idiot neighbour isn’t home and her dogs have been barking non stop for the last hour or so. The last time this happened the barking went on for at six hours before someone (not her) came to attend to them.

  14. Someone at work decided to have a holiday with one days notice, already short staffed so now only 2 people in the entire department to get orders out for the end of the month 🙁 joy

    Other than that a good weekend planned so just got to muscle through these 9 hours!

  15. I have my midyear 1:1 at work and even though I know I’ve smashed all my targets I’m still nervous about it because of who I am as a person 😅 But after that it’s smooth sailing to the weekend!

  16. Sherry hangovers are pretty brutal.

    Fancied a snack before dinner, so we opened some olives. What pairs best with Olives? Manzanilla sherry, of course. We didn’t *need* to finish the whole bottle, but we did. On a school night.

  17. I have a session with a SEND group at a local nature reserve. It’s currently pissing it down. However, date night this evening to the theatre which we’re very much looking forward to

  18. I went to the local Recycling Centre the other day. Saw a uniquely British sight. A particularly well-dressed man at the tip. He was an older gentleman, probably mid 70s. Wearing an immaculate green Barbour coat, a houndstooth check flat cap, and smart corduroy trousers tucked into gleaming green wellington boots. Taking some folded corrugated out the back of his rather smart-looking land rover.

    I cannot imagine any American or Frenchman going to the dump looking like that. The rich ones probably have paid staff to take their junk away. And everybody else would just wear old jeans and a grubby t-shirt.

  19. I was hoping for a sneaky lie in, but my 2-year-old decided to belt out Incy Wincy Spider whilst pummelling his feet on the wall, so we got up!

    In fairness, we had to switch his bed on Sunday night so he’s had a shock to adjust to, and he’s handled it like a champ.

  20. Woke up early because I had to get all of the morning’s papers (a film I’m working on is out today – I’m expecting Megalopolis to take all the review slots, but I have to check). Saw the ghastly weather… so treated myself to some of the shop’s breakfast hash browns, which were… mid.

    Now, I’m waiting on a tech to come around to look into why my internet has been up-and-down more than a kangaroo on a trampoline. Guess I’ll read the papers while I wait…

  21. Hello Darling. I intend to lay in bed all day watching sci-fi films from the 50s and 60s whilst getting rather stoned and eating various things.

  22. Kid 3 doesn’t want to be at his ma’s on weekends anymore, so I’ve had to cancel my plans and I’m picking him up after school. We’ll go find something fun to do while spouse is at the pub tomorrow.

  23. I’ll be driving up to Surrey for a weekend of shenanigans with friends. My “Driving” playlist is now over 30 hours long; let’s hope bad weather/motorway nonsense doesn’t mean I get to listen to all of it en route.

  24. Feels very damp rn. Finally put the smaller, quieter dehumidifier in the bedroom, it goes on and off depending on levels. While on, the noise is oddly soothing and but it started me awake twice in the night 🙁 so I might have to drop it to a truly ridiculous low humidity like ooohh 45 (terrace house dont @me) and drive up ye olde leccy bills.

    The bigger noisier one got drug downstairs for use in the afternoon when leccy cost dips a bit for an hour or two. I can’t sleep with this one on.

  25. Working out in the driving rain all day. Hopefully I can knock a few jobs off by convincing some customer that it’s not worth it in this weather

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