SNP Government to ‘seriously’ consider lifting alcohol ban at football matches

SNP Government to ‘seriously’ consider lifting alcohol ban at football matches

by rarely-redditing

  1. Eh, I could see them doing this with a “Policing” surcharge of £2 per pint to cover all the additional resource the Scottish police already devote to keeping fans in line.

  2. Number of folk I go to games with wi a wee fly half bottle down their jouk or already half pished pretty high as it is.

    I mind being on a football special train back from Hampden, think it was the Scottish Cup Final 78. Everyone steaming. Stopped a few hundred yards outside Blantyre station because a carriage had been set on fire. Then the riot game two years later which ma Da sensibly refused to get tickets for.

    No, the alcohol ban should defo remain in place.

  3. I’m not into football, but the current prohibition seems pretty daft. Football fans are a cunning lot, and they seem to have found ways to imbibe alcohol on game day. Selling pints at a premium could help smaller clubs, and they could have partnerships with local breweries.

  4. The SNP aren’t the biggest supporters of football fans, so take this story with a pinch of salt. Having said that, the argument for the ban is pretty week considering that the people who drink already go to the pub before and after the game, or drink inbetween, so changing the rules is unlikely to increase the number of drunk people at football games. If anything, it might stop people from getting ‘tanked up’ beforehand and encourage more people to pace themselves. Overall though, the ban is classist and removing it probably won’t make much of a difference, but it will restore some fairness for football fans.

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