The british declared war on us…

We will defend the civilization, i present footage of a crime against humanity

by Fuzzy-Wrongdoer1356

  1. To be fair, i’ve eaten this meal, the gym kitchen paella

    it’s obviously not comparable to an actual paella, but its good enough for dinner before bed after getting home from the gym and you can’t be arsed to cook so you stick it in the oven for a bit.

    i don’t think it was ever intended to be the height of cuisine, it’s just a frozen meal.

  2. We can’t expect grande cuisine with frozen meal I guess, but this mofo is adding 20g of salt and 3L of fucking oil on an already over salted/greasy processed product, people are crazy

  3. After this, pointing out that peas, chorizo or cucumber does not go on paella is pointless. Gibraltar is just not enough, we want Cornwall too or we fight

  4. What’s great about “food” like that is it’s the same colour and consistency coming up as going down

  5. *Whatever comes in that package can hardly be called food. However, I’m getting really upset with all these fucking social media videos wasting food for likes. This trend should die and I hope whoever thinks creating this type of insane “content” gets to enjoy real fucking hunger and deprivation at least once in their life. Fucking hell…*

    Now on to banter… This looks like proper spanish food though. I mean, go to any restaurant in Spain and whatever you order will come swimming in half a bottle of olive oil. This checks out.

  6. I know that videos like that are made to trigger people on purpose, but I find them fun anyways. They slaugther any traditional dish from different countries and attract a lot of comments & shares by doing so

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