Surprise Termination Letter

I had recently signed the contract to work at Flink but due to unforseen circumstances I couldn't start with my shift to which I had informed the manager in good time. Today I get this letter via post, translating which I cannot understand the reason behind the termination and I'm completely taken back by this. Could someone please explain to me and suggest what I could do.

by snor143lax

  1. Since you are still in Probezeit they don’t have to give a reason. And missing the first, or one of the first, shifts is a prime way to get fired immediately from low-earning jobs.

  2. They are not terminating you for cause. They do not need a reason, beyond their decision to not want to continue to employ you. Pure speculation on my part, but I could imagine that you missing the shift played a role in the decision. Wether those “circumstances” were your fault or not, it is their problem. They probably consider themselves lucky that it happened now, when they still can let you go without needing a reason.

    Unfortunately, there is not much that you can do about this. What you should do is register with the BUndesagentur für Arbeit immediately. If you fail to do so within three days after receiving this letter, you may be sanctioned.

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