Actress Dame Maggie Smith dies at 89

Actress Dame Maggie Smith dies at 89

by a-liquid-sky

  1. A true icon, RIP 💔

    Saw the words ‘Actress Dame Maggie Smith…’ appear on my phone and instantly hoped what I was reading wasn’t true

  2. Oh how very sad… Was only yesterday that I was reading an old comment from Daniel Radcliffe about working with her on Great Expectations, how it was her who apparently helped get him the part of Harry Potter what with having worked with him previously.

  3. I’m really upset by this. She was a fantastic actor, and seemed like such a lovely person.

    Edit: my first introduction to her was in The Secret Garden, and it feels like she didn’t age from that point. I know for a lot of people she’s Minerva McGonagall but she’s always been Mrs Medlock for me!

    A real icon and a staple of British film and TV 🙁

  4. What a gem she was. I really recommend ‘Tea with the Dames’, if anyone isn’t aware of it: just four of the best actresses of our times chatting shit at each other in their old age, it’s so warm and funny. Maggie Smith especially was hilarious.

  5. We sure she didn’t just animagus/transform into a cat to live peacefully somewhere?

    Edit: put “apparate” and that was wrong. Apologies.

  6. Possibly the most iconic actress for me. Not only was she a very talented actress, but she had a number of roles people will remember her for.

  7. Ohh, very sad news. We just started rewatching Downton Abbey as it’s true calming TV, she’s so good in it.

  8. Oh shit, another British legend gone.

    I know most people here will remember her as giving a stellar performance as Professor McGonagall but if you haven’t seen it, I implore you to go give Keeping Mum a watch. One of my favourite films of hers and one I felt really slipped under the radar.

    Thanks for the entertainment over the years, Dame Maggie, you’ll be missed.

  9. I just watched Sister Act this week – she was a great actress. Loved her in Downton too. The Secret Garden was also one of my favourite films as a kid, even though her character was pretty scary. Very sad that she’s gone.

  10. Been watching Harry Potter films last couple of days, thinking of all the actors in them we have now lost. Yet another one to add, RIP.

  11. Awful. Was only yesterday I seen posts appreciating her acting range and how memorable she always is.

  12. Oh no, we only watched The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel last night and she was so good (as always). Very sad 😞

  13. I audibly went “oh my god” at this, what a tremendous loss.

    She was fantastic in everything she was in

  14. Awww damn it. She was truly brilliant in everything I’ve ever seen her in. Not just good or even great, but she defined every role she ever had. Any remakes will attempt to match her and fail in the attempt.

  15. I knew we wouldn’t be honoured to have her for too much longer in our lives but she made every moment sparkle.

    She played and older woman role for all my life and she kicked ass

  16. I’ll always remember her as the acid-tongued Dowager Countess in Downton Abbey.

    After a Turkish diplomat passes away at the Abbey:

    >Well, it would happen to a foreigner. Typical.

    >Don’t be ridiculous.

    >I’m not being ridiculous! No Englishman would dream of dying in someone else’s home.

  17. Oh no. It was going to happen at some stage but still. What a fucking good egg and incredible actor. Major part of people’s childhoods and middle age. She was awesome.

  18. Omg just read a post with someone saying they will be heartbroken when she dies.
    I’ll find the post and make sure they never mention anyone again.
    Rip Maggie smith.

  19. She’s left us a legacy of brilliant film and tv roles, right across the spectrum. In 100 years time she will still be watched and loved – that’s a lot more than most of us manage so kudos to her and her talent.

  20. Loved her in many films, but my favourite of hers was The Lady in the Van. RIP Dame Maggie. ❤️

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