Maggie Smith, known for her roles in Harry Potter and Downton Abbey, has died

Maggie Smith, known for her roles in Harry Potter and Downton Abbey, has died

by sjw_7

  1. Honestly incredible she made it to her age with all the health problems she’s had. Absolute warrior. RIP

  2. Not only was she a great actor, she was an incredibly funny person in interviews. Had a biting wit till the very end.

  3. Such a fantastic actress and absolutely witty woman. Absolutely loved her not only in Downton Abbey but also Gosford Park. May she rest in peace.

  4. Just read this so sad. She is one of a handful of people you just think will keep on going and going for some reason

  5. Incredible actress. Not one of her more famous roles, but she was truly outstanding in Keeping Mum, one of my favourite movies

  6. A national treasure. She made me laugh so much in Downton Abbey with her dry delivery and one-liners, and her appearances on the Graham Norton show never failed to put a smile on my face. I could have listened to her stories all day.

    Rest in peace, Dame Maggie.

  7. Remember her best from when I was a kid as Mother Superior in Sister Act. She seemed old then, so it felt like she was living forever.

  8. Whenever anyone dies who acted in Harry Potter the BBC make out it was their most defining role. Here, it is definitely understating how great an actress Dame Maggie Smith was. One of my favourite actresses, who has had one hell of a career.

  9. Yes, Harry Potter and Downton Abbey, but go watch the Prime of Miss Jean Brodie if you haven’t seen it.

  10. I absolutely loved her in the 1969 film The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, playing Miss Brodie. It is in my top two films ever!

  11. I was sat next to her at a dinner once. What a lively woman and fantastic conversationalist, mostly in the form of funny quips and interjections.

  12. We lost a national treasure. Last Christmas in span of two days I think I watched around eight movies of Dame Maggie Smith. What a talented actress. I will always love her in a comedy movie “A private function” and “Lady in a Van”.

  13. How sad. She was so interesting to listen to in interviews. I was just thinking recently that I hadn’t heard her name in a long time.

  14. She’s one of those ones you thought would go on forever.

    Especially since she’s been playing old woman roles for about 40 years!

  15. Nailing playing cantankerous old ladies for four decades. Despite not often playing the main protagonist, she was always the one that lifted the production, and the one you were always pleased to see make an appearance. I don’t think she ever phoned in a role, and she’s irreplaceable. One of England’s finest to ever to tread the boards.

  16. She really was one of the all time greats of the acting world without a doubt RIP Dame Maggie.. ❤️❤️❤️

  17. RIP Maggie, never saw a potter movie but i really enjoyed her performance in The lady in the van.

  18. I was not prepared for this at all, not even by her made-up death in the downtown abbey 😭

  19. Rest in peace beautiful🩷 we miss you so much, you made so many of our childhoods with harry potter and so much more🥲

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