Russian FAB-250 strike hits a residential building in Kramatorsk on the 25th September 2024. Two civilians were killed and 16 injured.

Russian FAB-250 strike hits a residential building in Kramatorsk on the 25th September 2024. Two civilians were killed and 16 injured.

by T-72Tank

  1. Does anyone think of a way to stop these guided bombs in the air? It seems that MANPADS are not an option because these bombs do not emit heat

    (The only time I saw one being shot down was by a Zu-23 operator, but the chances of success are very low)

  2. Whole ass FAB hits a residential block and they only managed to murder two civilians, these assholes are just terrible at everything.

  3. In any sane nation, military personnel has an obligation to obey the law above the given order.
    A soldier is expected to disobey the order if it’s against the law.
    Although the “law” in the Mafia State of Russia is more like a suggestion anyways.
    I really, really hope that after the war both the ones gave these orders and the ones executing it will end up behind bars. Or – preferably – on the gallows.

  4. Ukraine needs to do the same with moscow. let it rain those ATACM´s and SCALP on Moscow Buildings.

  5. Gee I hope Ukraine will soon launch another barrage of their rocket drones to really hurt this monstrous terrorist state. It is the only language Putin and his murderous regime will ever understand.

  6. I feel terrible that this is happening, is allowed to happen and might even become worse next year with what’s going on in the USA. Ukraine, I think about you every day

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