Just Stop Oil supporters have thrown soup over two Van Gogh paintings, just hours after two activists were given prison sentences.

Just Stop Oil supporters have thrown soup over two Van Gogh paintings, just hours after two activists were given prison sentences.


by BigBeanMarketing

  1. This could be straight out of a comedy sketch.

    Severe sentences clearly aren’t working as a deterrent.

  2. JSO are becoming a parody of themselves. What’s their endgame? Overcrowd prisons to a point they can no longer be sent to them?

  3. To anyone who says sending protestors to jail will deter further protest – it won’t. History has shown that criminalising peaceful protest methods never worked, and it won’t today. Sending these people to jail will only martyr them and may actually incite further similar, or perhaps more extreme, protests.

  4. Surely an act of revenge will be the tipping point that sways public opinion since it worked so well last time.

    What the hell do they have against Van Gogh in particular?

  5. “Be on the right side of history”

    I hate when people use this line. I’ve studied history and the easiest way to be on the right side of history is to crush your enemies and write the history, not necessarily to do the right thing.

  6. So Huw Edwards, literally a full on nonce and gets no jail.

    These two threw a can of soup on a painting and got 2+ years.

    That doesn’t sound right??

  7. I’m genuinely convinced JSO is some sort of psyop by fossil fuel companies to make the very legitimate concerns about global warming look repulsive by association with these people.

  8. I am 100% for reducing the use of fossil fuels as much as possible. Heck I’m heavily focusing on fossil fuels in my current uni module and how to use / find green alternatives. There is so much work being done that’s actually incredibly interesting.

    But these guys make so much noise all that good works just gets shat on as soon as it makes a peep. Really ticks me off

  9. To be honest, if I were an oil company, I’d be paying people like JSO as a propaganda thing because it makes advocates for net zero and carbon reduction, probably the most important issue of the 21st century, sound like wankers. They are effectively aiding and abetting Big Oil driven by their own narcissism. High on their own supply.

    My objection to JSO is not because I object to publicising the harm caused by CO2 emissions – it is precisely because I think it is important that I object. These people’s idiocy is counterproductive. Not one person will be persuaded by them and they run the risk of swaying the undecided in the wrong direction. They are irresponsible and dangerous – useful idiots to the oil companies.

  10. If they want anything done properly they need to use force, violence and terror get results. They need to overthrow every government on the planet.

  11. So this is why they had us pause some meta campaigns for them today.

    Love that u/bigbeanmarketing posted this too. Apt username for this story

  12. I like protests but van gogh was not a famous fella or CELEBRITY he was like me and you and was an amazingly talented artist and painter… Why… Why him

  13. I agree with their aims, but I have huge problems with the way they go about it. Their targets literally do nothing to advance their cause, or get the public onside. It’s posturing for the sake of ego.

  14. If they’re going to destroy property I’d rather it wasn’t irreplaceable cultural history and was instead modern infrastructure tied to those involved so it impacts those involved.

    Of course the punishments might be more severe, and so they don’t.

    I bet they complained about terrorist organisations blowing up ancient historical sites and relics that have survived for thousands of years.

  15. I remember when just stop oil just stopped that truck carrying oil … but it just happened to be cooking oil

    Just cooking oil.

    Absolute class

  16. JSO achieved their main goal, which was no new licenses for oil and gas extraction in the north sea. Labour have signaled they’re going to stop that. Their existence is now just dragging on with unachievable demands, like every movement that “won” but can’t give up the fun / profit of protesting.

  17. But pedophiles are…..good to go, no sentences? Seems like pedophilia is tolerable, but protesting fossil fuels is a step too far.

  18. Oh no, we’ll have to replace the glass that protects them

    Anyway, the first hurricane in over a hundred years to touch down in western Florida happened last night, likely causing tens/hundreds of millions of damage and taking many lives along the way

    Maybe we should get our priorities straight?

  19. They threw soup over the bulletproof glass of a painting again? Seems like it given the paintings seem to be undamaged.

    If you lot think this deserves jail time, you need to give your head a wobble. Already seeing the bots and the right wing farms springing into action here.

  20. When JSO stops all use of fossil fuels, and is washing their clothes by hand again. Then I’ll listen. 

  21. The good news is we know these two new morons will go to prison for the same crime.

    Play silly games….

  22. Okay, so they actually threw it directly on the painting, not a screen? Pretty bad. But why tomato soup lol, is Heinz a big user of oil?

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