Israel strike of Hezbollah HQ in Beirut, Lebanon on September 27th, 2024

This is the location of the underground bunker/complex where the HQ is located qnd where Nasrallah was hiding

by TeaBagHunter

  1. Slide for the image of the aftermath.

    The bunker was like 30 meters underground it seems. Conflicting news of Nasrallahs status with Iran retracting its initial statement that he’s safe and replacing it with unknown.

  2. Surprisingly little damage to the adjacent buildings, even the solar panels look intact, considering that the buildings directly on top look like they completely evaporated that is some wizardry….

  3. I’m hoping this continues until Hezbollah and Hamas cease to exist. It’s been a long time coming.

  4. Now that’s pretty *goddamn precise*

    Some surrounding buildings look almost completely unscathed.

  5. It’s insane the level of destruction they can bring to a target and yet the buildings next to it looks almost unharmed.

  6. Ah, Beirut! Looks just like it did back in the day. Sad to think that these people are letting Hezbollah bring death and destruction back to Lebanon.

  7. I’m becoming more and more fascinated by the mental gymnastics involved in believing Israel is the bad actor in this situation.

  8. The crazy thing is, the terrorists will keep dying and people will keep crying 😂. I’ve never seen so many people get duped into believing that terrorists don’t deserve consequences for their actions, hamas/hezbollah murders and kills people and then cries “oh my god my family’s house was bombed (even though I hid weapons and known terrorist fugitives under it) HOW COULD THEY” when they get a response and idiots identify with the terrorists 😂. Keep crying tho it’s fun to read and watch.

  9. Shame about the solar panels being destroyed though. They were helping Lebanon far more than Hezbollah ever had 😐

  10. Someone please point out which building was hit. I dont see which buildings matches the one in the background of the second picture.

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