The idea that BRICS will replace the dollar is one of the most misinformed narratives in online economic discourse

The idea that BRICS will replace the dollar is one of the most misinformed narratives in online economic discourse

by ProfessorOfFinance

  1. BRICS, a bunch of countries with different political systems, different geography, different economic is all chit chat and zero actions

  2. Meanwhile gold is at a new record high everyday. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to settle trade in gold, which is what everyone will end up doing anyway.

  3. Russia is great at spreading misinformation online.

    Everything else not so much.

    Having your country run by an ex-KGB dictator who specialized in misinformation will do that.

  4. I don’t know how many more times I have to say this.

    BRICS is **NOT** *replacing* the dollar.

    BRICS is **NOT** *replacing* anything.

    BRICS is setting up alternatives for using the IMF, SWIFT, etc.

    The nations that want to become members of BRICS will continue dedollarization. There is nothing the US can do to stop that.

    Make all the jokes you want. This is happening. It has been happening for years. The sanctions against Russia accelerated the process.

    It isn’t like you are going to see some dramatic change. You haven’t noticed how the Oligarchy has been stealing your wealth for decades. You’re a boiling frog.

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