Gutter cleaning day at my Mums (97!) I’m getting too old for this shit.

Gutter cleaning day at my Mums (97!) I’m getting too old for this shit.

by Jelleeley

  1. Please consider buying something like a Big Grip Ladder Stabiliser, appreciate they are like £80 but its preferred to falling off a ladder and dying!

  2. A very good friend’s husband died when he fell off a ladder cleaning the gutters. Another friend shattered both his legs and broke his back falling off his roof checking for damage, and was confined to a wheelchair for six months. I now subscribe to the theory of if you aren’t being paid to be on the ladder, pay someone to be on the ladder. I don’t set rules for my partner, except for “Don’t be a bastard to me, cheating is a dealbreaker, and thou shalt not clean our gutters or go on the roof.”

  3. The older I get, the more I realise the first rule of life becomes ‘don’t get injured’. What’s the point of eating and drinking sensibly and looking after your health if you fall off a ladder cleaning gutters? Get someone to do it, or take appropriate safety precautions.

  4. Most accidents happen to people >50yo – your reaction go. You need not to do this . You can die.

    There will be a few warning signs – close calls – take notice of them

    Edit: Don’t gamble with your life, the odds are getting shorter and shorter, it’s not worth it. You don’t have long left and when you are dead you are dead for a very …long….time

  5. I clean gutters for a living.
    Please, please, please listen to what people are saying here.
    If you’re going to do it yourself, do it like a pro. Buy a LadderMate to foot the ladder, and buy a Stand-off for the top.
    Never, never, EVER rest the top of the ladder on the flexible, slippery, breakable edge of the plastic gutter – unless you actually want to risk your life in exchange for gutter drainage?
    Please mate.

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