Man with facial disfigurement asked to leave restaurant for ‘scaring customers’

Man with facial disfigurement asked to leave restaurant for ‘scaring customers’

by MeCagoEnPeronconga

  1. Wow. What the fuck? As if he hasn’t been through enough, you have to publicly humiliate him when the man just wants to eat. Would they prefer he stayed at home and wore a box over his head when he goes outside? I commend him for having the courage to be outside. Hope he sues them into bankruptcy.

  2. What is the charge? Eating a meal?
    A succulent chinese meal?

    Hasn’t this guy been through enough? F this business, hope it goes bust from the backlash.

  3. Sure, It’s startling, but after noticing and going back to their own business, like most people would, i bet this was just one karen in the whole restaurant who had an actual problem.

    To describe him as “scary” is deplorable

    I mostly blame the buisness for going with it- there’ll always be crazies who have a problem with stuff.

  4. What’s worse, “scaring” customers and losing some money on the night(which they won’t and is complete BS) or getting sued for discrimination. I hope he gets everything, restaurant and all. 

  5. I can only hope the lawyers rinse the hell out of that restaurant, that guy is perfectly entitled to enjoy a meal as any other human being.

  6. I’d bet that this was all one or one table of customers, that made just enough fuss that the staff gave in, without makig  a scene.

    Now the restaurant is going to have issues due to being weak willed.

  7. So where’s the line? Can I go there and complain about children? Women? Gay people? Black people? Get them all kicked out too?

    Tell the other customers to mind their own fucking business

  8. He’d pulled his trousers up, wasn’t wearing a baseball cap at the table and didn’t reek of skunk. He could have sat at my table no problem.

  9. That’s how most people are in this world unfortunately. Very shallow. Very judgemental. Very looks obssessed.

  10. I would ask the customers who were scared to leave the restaurant for being judgmental scumbags

  11. If I was the restaurant manager dealing with a complaint about a person with a facial disfigurement, I’d let the person complaining know that said person probably deals with this day in, day out, and they have found a safe space in my restaurant and if the complainer didn’t like it, they were free to leave.

  12. I wonder if someone did complain or did the manager/owner decide he would be bad for business and use the “scaring customers” explanation as an excise to kick him out.

  13. Gosh, there are certain things that make me feel utterly disconnected from a portion of the population.

    Being offended by—and demanding the removal of—a disfigured person from my presence is something I could never imagine for myself.

    What an utterly cruel outlook on life.

  14. I’d happily sit with or near him, far more than I’d like to sit next to ugly inside people who get upset by him. Poor guy.

  15. Isn’t this some sort of disability discrimination?

    This happened in the US 10 years ago a with a little girl that had been disfigured after being mauled by her grandparents’ pit bulls, it was a KFC or some shite. Prompted Time to do an article on pits mauling children.

  16. People are stupid or something? If they don’t like looking at something, then they should stop looking. Easy as this.

    Poor chap. Screw the business he visited and screw people who couldn’t mind their own bloody business.

  17. Has anyone been able to find which restaurant it is? Maybe if a few people give it a go, they can write an “honest” review on TripAdvisor and Google Maps.

  18. What kind of messed up person would be that out of order. The erosion of humanity in this country is beyond disappointing at times. I’d have walked out and refused to pay if I saw another customer treated like that.

  19. As terrible as this man’s plight is, the physical signs of Neurofibromatosis on his face remain relatively slight. [Adam Pearson]( is a really inspirational public figure and spokesperson about NF1.

    From the story OP linked, it sounds like the only problem in the cafe was the employee’s own prejudices– more shame to them for passing the blame to other customers who had no chance to complain before the man’s attempted order.

  20. Local paper online said “Oliver Bromley, 42, who lives in Reigate, Surrey, said he was “incredulous” at what the employee told him, as he had hardly been in the restaurant long enough for someone to complain about his presence.”

    The last bit – hardly been in the restaurants long enough for someone to complain about his presence – moved me. How can this happen? Man is just living his life. Hating stupid unworthy of life, W⚓️s

  21. Fuck this. If I was the owner or the manager I’d just ask the complaining customers to leave (if there is even one). That is a disgusting thing to do by the staff. Man just wanted to eat ffs. I really hate this world sometimes.

  22. What’s wrong with people. How could they be so callous. restaurant should be named and shamed.

  23. Love his decency in not wanting to name them – but I hope he does something to punish them or they will never change.

  24. Ha this should apply to some of my mates. Ugly fuckers only without the acceptable reasoning of facial disfigurement ! Poor sod. How humiliating. And what a trumped up restaurant too. I’d of walked out in solidarity with the guy and seen if he wanted to join me and go find somewhere fucking better ‘

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