I have driven throughout all of Western Europe, here’s a map of every average driver

I have driven throughout all of Western Europe, here’s a map of every average driver

by -Joel06

  1. Bonus: coolest experienced and almost accidents I had

    Cool experiences:

    206km/h in my shitbox in the Autobahn

    Reindeers in Lapland

    Doing the Monaco circuit in my shitbox

    Almost accidents:

    Almost ate a couple deers in Finland

    Van cut me off in the Autobahn while I was going 200kmh and the van was doing 90

    Belgian driver started to merge while I was next to him (literally mirror to mirror)

    Italian decided that solid lines are optional and almost ate him


  2. Are you really putting us on the same level as Italy? Did you spend your whole time driving around Bradford or something?

  3. The Swiss lose their good manners as soon as they pass the sign that says: “Welcome to the Federal Republic of Germany”

  4. Portugal (Lisboa especially) is a fucking nightmare, was scared as shit trying to walk there with the craziest drivers. How is everybody so laidback with life, but drive like their life depends on it.

  5. I actually think one could make the argument that british drivers are the best in europe. The roads force you to always be observant, the base infrastructure is actually very well thought out (just decaying big time) and statistically one of the safest places to drive in the world. Sweden does have good education, and most drivers are very considerate to pedestrians, and where I live even cyclists! But they have no idea how to use a motorway with more than two lanes, they just see it as a two lane motorway with an extra turning lane. Although that might be because stockholmers have zero brain cells.

  6. No way Spain has better drivers than all of these yellow places (Germany specifically), I’m sorry. No way.

  7. As someone that travels consistently between Italy, France and Spain every year, this is accurate.

  8. As a Guy who do Bruxelles – lux on a regular basis I can only say it’s true, Belgium is a driving nightmare

  9. UK might not *feel* like people are driving safely, but we come near the top of most road safety stats, so grouping us with Italy feels personal.

  10. Not with happy meals. It’s a saying that you get a drivers license when buying a pack of butter.

  11. ‘news’ article from not so long ago: [https://www.hln.be/binnenland/exclusief-niet-geschikt-voor-de-weg-toch-geslaagd-waarom-rijexaminatoren-noodgedwongen-minder-streng-worden~a2b74e8e/](https://www.hln.be/binnenland/exclusief-niet-geschikt-voor-de-weg-toch-geslaagd-waarom-rijexaminatoren-noodgedwongen-minder-streng-worden~a2b74e8e/)

    translated title: “Not suitable for the road, but still passed: why driving examiners are forced to become less strict”

    so, yeh, kinda.

  12. This is what people normal people going to the Nurburgring amd driving with professionals feel like

    Skill diff

  13. We went to France for vacation and had to drive through Belgium. 90 kmh on a small street with pot holes leading to a roundabout where the view to oncoming traffic was blocked by a tree were only a few of the experiences.

  14. In Norway its fucking impossible to even keep the speed limit because there is one cunt in the front that doesnt know what mirrors are, and do like 5-15 km/h under, with like 10-30 car tail behind, and overtaking is even more impossible because of curvy roads on two-lane roads with low visibility. One day I will snap.

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