Anyone else glad it’s nearly cottage pie season?

Just me then….

by rothersidelife

  1. I love cottage pie but every time I think about making it I think “it’d be so much easier and quicker to make a bolognaise” 😂

  2. Made cottage pie last night. Veggie for the boss, meaty for me and the kid. Had it with peas & sweetcorn. Lush.

  3. It’s nice and all, but the fact it’s soup season is what’s really getting my blood pumping.

  4. I make a lovely cottage pie, but the kid won’t eat it due to not liking the texture, and the husband is on a permanent diet. Now and then I’ll just make it for myself and eat it every night for a week. Actually, I may well do that next week now I think about it…

  5. My mother in law invited us round for one tomorrow, because in her words “It is the season after all”.

    I love putting a dollop in a bit of bread with some brown sauce. Proper comfort food.

  6. It’ll soon be the Scouse and the Lentil soup season in my house. I love this time of year for the hearty meals with lashings of gravy 🤤

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