MAGA dumbfucks blame Hurricane Helene on Kamala, and then ask for help from big government.

MAGA dumbfucks blame Hurricane Helene on Kamala, and then ask for help from big government.

Posted by FunkYouInParticular

  1. This silly propaganda isn’t helping turning American voters towards silly, vapid, leftist, failed VP Harris.

  2. So she can control the weather? I knew she is magical but I didn’t know to that level.

  3. I’m calling BS. If Kamala had caused that hurricane, she would have filled it with sharks.

  4. **TRUE STORY:** I heard from a MAGA supporter with an IQ of 65 that Kamala once had a co-worker at McDonald’s named **Helene**, who got her fired when Kamala was in the office; and she blamed Kamala for her bad fortune.

    I asked if she was sure, and she confidently replied, **’Yes.’** So I said, ‘But that means Kamala must’ve worked there, right?’ She then clarified, ur,ur, ur ‘Well, she was only at the **interview stage,**’ that’s what she heard on FoxNews.

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