28 Sep: Russians GOT TRAPPED and then SENT EVEN MORE FORCES INTO THE TRAP (in Malaya Lokhnya)

28 Sep: Russians GOT TRAPPED and then SENT EVEN MORE FORCES INTO THE TRAP (in Malaya Lokhnya)

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Today there are a lot of updates from the Kursk direction.

Here, in the village of Kremyanoe, east of Korenevo, Ukrainian forces have methodically encircled the area, severing key supply routes and leaving the remaining Russian troops trapped and isolated. As the siege tightens and Russian resupply efforts become increasingly desperate, both sides are preparing for the next decisive move in this tactical standoff—one that could have far-reaching consequences for the entire Kursk offensive.

The village of Kremyanoe, located east of Korenevo, has been at the heart of a tactical standoff since August. The situation began when Russia’s 810th Naval Infantry Brigade moved into the area, attempting to consolidate control following Ukraine’s Kursk incursion. While the majority of Russian units were eventually forced to retreat, a small contingent remained entrenched in Kremyanoe. Over time, these forces have become increasingly isolated as Ukrainian troops systematically advanced, cutting through their flanks and tightening the encirclement.

Today, Ukrainian forces have officially completed the operational encirclement of Kremyanoe, cutting off all major supply routes to the village. Only a single, precarious ground line of communication remains from Sheptukovka, which is under partial Ukrainian fire control, thanks in part to a natural chokepoint in the terrain. If we look at the topographic map, we can see that Kremyanoe is surrounded by elevated areas, severely restricting access to the village. In response, Ukrainian forces have been pressuring Sheptukovka for the past two weeks, advancing from three directions. A recent wave of drone and artillery strikes in mid-September targeted Sheptukovka as part of this larger encirclement strategy.

Although Russian forces have managed to carry out a few resupply missions, delivering ammunition and food through hastily assembled convoys, these efforts are growing increasingly desperate. While some attempts to break the siege have succeeded, many have ended in failure. Ukrainian forces, employing ambushes strategically positioned along key roads, have successfully destroyed or forced the retreat of several convoys, further tightening the noose around the encircled Russian troops.

Recognizing the increasing peril facing their encircled troops, Russian commanders have shifted their focus to Olygovka, a nearby village that could serve as a crucial lifeline. However, attempts to capture Olygovka have encountered fierce Ukrainian resistance, as Ukrainian forces remain determined to prevent the Russians from breaking out of the Kremyanoe pocket. The intense fighting underscores the high stakes, with both sides fighting for control of this key position.

Despite having the upper hand, Ukrainian commanders have exercised caution in launching a full-scale assault on Kremyanoe. Such an operation would be costly, requiring significant resources and likely leading to high casualties. Instead, the Ukrainian strategy has focused on containment. By gradually tightening the encirclement, Ukrainian forces are allowing time to work in their favor, weakening the Russian troops through attrition. As the siege drags on, the encircled Russian forces grow increasingly vulnerable, with their ability to mount more than sporadic defensive actions deteriorating. This calculated approach not only conserves Ukrainian resources but also creates opportunities for ambushes, enabling them to target Russian resupply missions and counterattacks with devastating precision.

As if the situation in Kremyanoe weren’t challenging enough for Russian forces, another Ukrainian encirclement is unfolding near Malaya Loknya, north of Sudzha, following a similar containment strategy. Russian troops initially fortified a local women’s prison, using the facility as a stronghold when Ukrainian forces advanced into the area. For a time, the prison served as a formidable defensive position, but Ukrainian forces have systematically cut off escape routes, gradually surrounding the Russian defenders. The encirclement tightens with each passing day, mirroring the methodical approach seen in other areas of the front.

In a desperate attempt to rescue their trapped comrades, Russian commanders dispatched a relief team that briefly succeeded in opening a narrow evacuation route. However, despite their efforts to secure positions in the surrounding fields, Ukrainian…

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  2. If you are winning as you say, why is Jewlensky in the USA? Asking for 8 billion! Why would you need long range missiles? That only could be operated by technicians from the country they come from. Why 18000 Ukranians dead in Kursk? When NATO mercaneries on the ground led the operation. What operation? Bombing of the Kursk nuclear plant. That was the target. So Russia has advanced in Donbass. Taken Pokrovsk. Taken Nu York. Encircling most of the Ukranian army. All that is left are terrorist attacks! That means a defeated army. Why don't you talk about ( DIGITAL MAIDAN)? Overthrow of Ukraine in 2014. Victoria Nuland on the ground in Maidan square. Then America trained/ armed/ financed the Ukranian army. John McCain brokered the deals for weapons in Ukraine. For the Obama administration. Biden arriving like the under boss. With son behind him. Russian civilians in East Ukraine targeted for a decade. Language and religion taken away. Treated like dogs! Then NATO breaking the Minsk agreement. Ukranians are being used as cannon fodder against Russia. America/ Nato didn't care about Slavs. Media silent! Reality… It's about Blackrock getting Ukraine. Hopefully destroying Russia and taking it's 70 trillion in resources. Same story as Iraq and it's oil. The pipeline through Syria. Gaddaffi wanting a gold backed dinar. Africa with all it's resources. Regime change is needed. America is the attack dog bitch. Doing the bidding of the bankers.

  3. I understand the approach but it's not the most efficient, it delays progress and allows ruzzia to build up troops to counterattack. If you want to take land before the winter you need to go fast.

  4. I would assume that the "abandonment" of the Russian troops would increase the willingness to desert and surrender to the Ukrainian forces. Even if the Russian forces are trying to resupply and rescue the trapped fighters, not soldiers, not anymore.

  5. Nice work by Ukrainaians. However bad things happen in the east. Slow mobilization and crappy training have made Ukraine weaker. A bit worried about the lack of commitment from Nato. Okay, US is devided. Afro-Indian vs old comb over. Both are weak. But EU should have mussle to overpower Russia. Soon it is 3 Years. Where is the war effort? Germany, France and Italy could produce all requred weapons. This could boost EU economy for short time. We need decisions!

  6. Vladimir Putin is simply completely unsuitable as "JAMES BOND 007", he is completely unsuitable for this. Disgrace and shame 1000 percent 🙁 ;( 🙁 and you Russians are similar to him, at least a large part of Russians :(. E068

  7. It seems to me that it favours Ukraine to keep this pocket partially, “unsealed,” so to speak. While the pocket is contained, Russia is wasting more and more men and material on their attempts to relieve the siege, presenting Ukraine with multiple opportunities to grind down the enemy, as you suggested.
    These Ukrainian forces seem to have very bold, methodical, imaginative and capable commanders in the field. Whilst the increasingly famous gallantry, high standard of training and the unshakable discipline of the forces they command is really paying off.
    Russia just cannot compete with Ukraine on tactics or logistics, while Ukraine knows how to exploit opportunities, seize the initiative and play to their own strengths. This battlefield is a fine example of that.
    What’s that old military expression? “Choose your own battles, rather the letting the battle choose you.”
    Well, Slava Ukraine all over the place, my friend. It makes me proud to be able to count Ukraine among our allies. Quite sincerely.
    Slava Ukraine indeed.

  8. Thanks for the report. My utmost respect to the heroes for the AFU! The Ukrainians are doing phenomenal work. Slava Ukraine. HEROYAM SLAVA!! ГЕРОЯМ СЛАВА. СЛАВА УКРАЇНІ 💪🙏💙💛💙💛💙💛

  9. ….Let Ukraine Strike where they want!….
    Lend-Lease for Ukraine!
    Give Ukraine Patriot Systems now!

    …………….Free The ATACMS!………………

    🇺🇦………….AFU is Awesome!…………….🇺🇦
    Glory to the defenders, Glory to Ukraine.
    Slava Ukraini! 🇨🇿 🇺🇦 🇦🇺

    Leave No Doubt, Vote MAGA OUT! 💙

  10. It beggars belief that a (wannabe) superpower could invade a neighbor and not only fail to win, but after 30 months, be counter-invaded and be powerless to stop it.

  11. Seit 945 Tagen (28.09.2024) führt Russland einen völkerrechtswidrigen Krieg den es selbst provoziert hat, weil Stummelschwanzträger Putin gern Zar sein möchte. Die Ausreden der Russenregierung werden von Tag zu Tag lustiger, was sich negativ auf meine Lachmuskulatur auswirkt. Noch lustiger aber sind die Behauptungen von den Russentrollen hier, wie z.B. @fischeringo, @christopherk.5899, @Linksversifter_Kremlbot, @dasich46, @warclans1970, @wolfgangwinges7819, @Mistersisterfister1337, @guidokreimer9621, @angemereltheil3450, @ulfvogelhuber1258, @andreassusol4216, @arturwinschel8309, @Hulumatalulu, @AndreasEmmerich, @gerdwittenboer1426, @alexanderweiss6490, @TEUTONE1776, @StollenBudler, @AlexAs-e7h, @gabrielaschwarz3114, @stefangohler9717, @werwolf25, @DanielHamann-wg7no, @mikimahony1860, @Runensucher, @thelastlurch, @sissigreil999, @loversclubcologne, @m.f.6683, @thomasscholz3832, @Bogdan78887, @Brigada72, @hawkeyepierce4961, @kasimir9754, @Wlad-d1b, @jozefvojtko1643. Seit 940 Tagen behaupten diese "Personen“, dass die hier getroffenen Aussagen falsch und Fake sind. Keiner der genannten hat es nur einmal in den letzten 940 Tagen geschafft einen einzigen Gegenbeweis zu bringen.

    Das lässt den Schluss zu das die o.g. "Personen" nicht nur gesichts- und figurtechnisch Lachnummern sind, sondern auch Großmäuler, Feiglinge, Lügner und Versager wie sie im Buche stehen sind.

    Zusätzlich, das haben Recherchen ergeben, sind diese Personen Großteils in Deutschland verurteilte Straftäter (u.a. Körperverletzung, Kindesmissbrauch, Beleidigung, Betrug, usw.).

    So nun dürfen sich die Russentrolle wieder ausheulen. Die Schulter ihrer Führers in Moskau oder seiner Vasallen in Deutschland (AfD, BSW) sind wieder frei!

  12. For 945 days (28.09.2024) Russia has been waging a war in violation of international law that it provoked itself because stumpy-tailed Putin would like to be tsar. The Russian government's excuses are getting funnier by the day, which has a negative effect on my laughing muscles. But even funnier are the claims made by the Russian trolls here, such as @fischeringo, @christopherk.5899, @Linksversifter_Kremlbot, @dasich46, @warclans1970, @wolfgangwinges7819, @Mistersisterfister1337, @guidokreimer9621, @angemereltheil3450, @ulfvogelhuber1258, @andreassusol4216, @arturwinschel8309, @Hulumatalulu, @AndreasEmmerich, @gerdwittenboer1426, @alexanderweiss6490, @TEUTONE1776, @StollenBudler, @AlexAs-e7h, @gabrielaschwarz3114, @stefangohler9717, @werwolf25, @DanielHamann-wg7no, @mikimahony1860, @Runensucher, @thelastlurch, @sissigreil999, @loversclubcologne, @m.f.6683, @thomasscholz3832, @Bogdan78887, @Brigada72, @hawkeyepierce4961, @kasimir9754, @Wlad-d1b, @jozefvojtko1643.

    For 940 days, these "people" have been claiming that the statements made here are false and fake. None of them has managed to provide a single piece of evidence to the contrary in the last 940 days.
    This leads to the conclusion that the above-mentioned "persons" are not only laughing stock in terms of their faces and figures, but are also loudmouths, cowards, liars and failures as they are written in the book.
    In addition, research has shown that most of these people are convicted criminals in Germany (including assault, child abuse, insult, fraud, etc.).
    So now the Russian trolls can have another good cry. The shoulders of their leaders in Moscow or their vassals in Germany (AfD, BSW) are free again!

  13. Russian kleptocracy pitted FSB against the army. Sixteen generals have been killed, fifteen arrested for corruption. Putin and FSB feared any vestige of competence. Having achieved that goal, FSB's Dyumin (with no military education) has been given command of Kursk defense. So Ukraine can employ tactics older than the Romans!

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