Wong Kei fined after mice & cockroaches found in kitchen

What's the least surprising news you've seen today?

e: forgot the link https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/sep/27/wong-kei-former-rudest-restaurant-in-london-fined-after-mice-found-in-kitchen

by Specific_entry_01

  1. Grim. The place has def gone a bit downhill in recent years, but they probs always had mice lol

  2. Back in the day when the service was bad but you put up with it because he food was pretty good it was worth a visit.

    Now itโ€™s just people who want them to be rude like itโ€™s some kind of dinner theatre and the food is just acceptable.

  3. Lol anybody who thought otherwise, need to work a shift in any kitchen.

    Ill go further, 90% of the restaurants in Chinatown are below standards. If any of you step foot into one of their kitchens in any given moment you would probably never go back again.

    And its not just there, alot of 5 star rated restaurants are just filthy.

    Im saying this but I still go there anyways. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. Yes not surprising at all. Someone told me that there are a lot of connections between the cellars around Chinatown so vermin is everywhere.

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